Bare Truth by Rose de la Cruz
Bare Truth

What makes a high class person

Sep 4, 2024, 7:15 AM
Rose De La Cruz

Rose De La Cruz


Wealth does not define class and having money does not define a person’s character and attitudes.

Being a high class person isn’t about flaunting expensive brands or dining in upscale restaurants. It’s about the values you uphold, your respect for others and your positive influence on the world around you.

Even though you don’t have much money, you can still be a person with class so long as you possess these seven traits outlined by Lachian Brown in his blog”

1) You value respect– A high class person respects others, regardless of their socioeconomic standing. Being high class is reflected in your actions, words and the ability to treat others with kindness and consideration. Even with less money, if you consistently demonstrate respect for others, your richer than you think.

Being high class is about understanding that individuals have their own worth and deserve to be treated with dignity. It’s about listening, acknowledging, and valuing other people’s perspectives.

2) You understand the value of hard work– A high class person doesn’t shy away from work and get the job done. He understands that hard work is the foundation of every success story, big or small.

He/she takes pride in his/her work, be it studies or finishing a late- night shift as a restaurant crew. The work builds character and resilience and solidifies one’s belief that hard work is not just about earning money; it’s about learning, growing, and paving one’s own path.

If you’re someone who isn’t afraid of hard work and see challenges as opportunities for growth, you’re definitely showing another sign of being a high class person.

3) You prioritize education– A high class person understands the importance of continuous learning and the true wealth of knowledge. The key lies in being curious and open-minded. High class individuals are lifelong learners who never stop seeking knowledge. They read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts and actively seek out opportunities to learn and grow. Being educated is not about having a degree but being open minded and thirsting for knowledge.

4) You practice gratitude– Gratitude is intrinsic to high class individuals. They understand and appreciate the value of what they have. They don’t focus on what is missing but on the abundance that they have– love, health, family, friends and the simple joys of life. They take nothing for granted and express thankfulness for their blessings– big or small.

If you constantly express gratitude then you show another clear trait of being a high class person. It’s not about how much you have but how much you appreciate what you have, which makes all the difference.

5) You prioritize relationships, those that you build and maintain.

Being a high class person is about understanding the truth about investing time and effort into relationships, treating people with kindness and empathy, and offering support when they need it. It’s not about what you can get from others, but what you can give to them that truly defines class.

6) You have a strong sense of self— They know who they are, what they stand for, and they’re not afraid to express their thoughts and opinions.

They don’t bend to societal pressure or the latest trends. Instead, they remain true to their values and principles, even when it’s not the popular choice.

Having a strong sense of self also means acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, and using this self-awareness to grow and improve.

If you’re someone who stands firm in your beliefs, who knows your worth not in terms of material wealth but in terms of your character and values, then you’re exhibiting another sign of being a high class person.

7) You practice humility– The most significant sign of a high class person, regardless of financial status, is humility. They never let their ego get in the way of their interactions with others. They understand that every person they meet has something to teach them.

High class individuals don’t boast about their achievements or belittle others to make themselves feel superior. Instead, they acknowledge their accomplishments with grace and express genuine happiness for the success of others.

If you’re someone who practices humility, who treats everyone with the same level of respect and understanding, you’re not just a high class person – you’re a role model.

Brown concludes by saying a high class individual lies not in the weight of his wallet, but of his character.

Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

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