In the past several months and suprisingly even up to this afternoon, I came across information pertaining to practices that I believe do not contribute to the economic growth of Eastern Visayas.
Most probably the situations described here also happen in other regions. It is a national scourge.
When I think about these practices I cannot help but ask: what is terribly wrong with us as a nation? It seems that we accept these practices as facts of life, and those who do these with audacity escape with out the slightest penalty.
What other conclusion can we arrive at if we see a good, cemented road excavated so that it can be “protected”. Or infra projects which are subcontracted to other less qualified contractors that cannot adequately implement the project thus resulting in substandard and delayed construction.
And what about the information that a lot of substituion of materials takes place in the field where plans are not stricltly followed and the project engineers ignore these practices resulting in roads and other infra projects that are easily destroyed and in need of repair.
And what about the observation that all biddings in government are rigged and that projects already have “owners” even when the budget will be released in the following year yet, especially now that we are in an an election year.
Of course, we are aware of the “pasahe” system where contractors already know the percentages allocated for government officials who have a role in the budgeting and implementation of a project.
This nefarious practice is so prevalent it is considered normal and expected.
The prevailing view is: If you cannot stomach this practice then you cannot be a contractor who wins bids in government. Stay in private sector contracting.
And then there is this observation that only a few families are interested in farming these days, that it is difficult to hire labor for farms.
Many of these workers are waiting for the cash coming from social justice programs like AKAP.
There is a growing belief that this practice results in increasing the scarcity and cost of farm labor.
All of the above are snippets of what is going on. They contradict the objective of increasing productivity and growth.
If these practices continue then the question is apt: We know these acts are wrong, then why do we allow these to continue?
What is wrong with us?
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