As the Feb’86 EDSA People Power Revolution was the end result of fraudulent elections then, the commemoration of its 38th Anniversary by the coalitions of various civil society groups, social movements and patriotic political parties nationwide likewise brought out the role of Comelec with Smartmatic in rigging the May 9, 2022 elections. This in fact has been the call way back in early 2022 of the TNT Trio composed of IT experts former DICT Secretary retired Gen. Eliseo Rio Jr., former Comelec Chairman Gus Lagman and banker and former FINEX President Franklin Ysaac. Such were strongly re-affirmed by other professional groups of IT experts of Kontra-Daya and other advocacy groups. So far since then, Comelec has not responded favorably to the hard-nosed questions raised by the concerned groups of IT experts. Indeed, these IT experts may be considered as the counterparts of the courageous computer professionals who walked out of their seats in the office of the Comelec in February 1986 to expose the rigging of the elections by the Marcos illegal authoritarian administration and the triumph of the Filipino people in kicking out the Marcos family and ending their brutal martial law regime.
Understandably, without de-stressing the reality of a fraudulently elected leadership today, the just concluded commemoration activities emphasized the long-standing problems, unsolved under this current ‘uniteam’ leadership. Beating hard on the majority of the Filipino people today for seven years now are: the missing long-awaited economic recovery making the people suffer the missing P20/kg of rice and affordable prices of other staple food items; the missing employment opportunities of even college graduates, not to mention the graduates of senior high school under the K12 program; the unabated corruption by public officials which the Ombudsman and the DOJ should have seriously addressed aggressively as it involves the people’s billions of tax payments; the perennial increase-decrease prices of oil affecting the traveling budget of commuters and the public utility drivers; unfair wages of laborers, teachers and health workers; the long-awaited sustained aid to the farmers, fisher folks and IPs; the injustices to the families of the more than 30,000 victims of EJKs and red-tagged individuals (which was cited recently by the visiting UN Rapporteur KHAN, and essentially suggested that the NTF-ELCAC be abolished); the missing action of the BIR on the tax liabilities (dating back to the 1980s) of that public figure whom a former Supreme Court Associate Justice asserted as a “certified convict”; the missing solution of the drug problem nationwide with the disastrous ‘tokhang’ approach of the former president and likewise implemented by his daughter in Davao when she was mayor; the continuing encroachment by China on our sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea; and no less important for our children and youth are the missing hard-nosed reforms in our education system to make it world class in the disciplinary fields of science and math – to speed up our country’s industrialization and subsequent decent and dignified living for the majority of our countrymen.
In a nutshell, the EDSA People Power Revolution LIVES ON, demanding the current leadership (brought to power by the cheating Comelec/Smartmatic as claimed by the country’s IT experts) to do its job of public service with genuine servant-leadership by admitting its faults, and dismissing its self-serving greedy dynasty-controlled Congress’ deceptive attempt to revise the country’s 1987 Constitution. A true leader should responsibly protect and implement the 1987 Philippine Constitution as it is strongly pro-people, anti-dynasty, pro-human rights, anti-foreign interference, strongly pro-social justice, and most importantly, pro-GOD. The Filipino people rightfully will not tolerate a non-performing government leadership, as it miserably fails to lead in building “a just and humane society!”
#WeTakeAStand #PoliticsIsLifeColumn #ColumnByBoniMacaranas #OpinYon