With the onset of a new year, 2025, the Filipino people wish and hope for a better Philippines. That is, a country where social justice reigns – that is, the more than 119 million Filipinos, or at least the majority of them, have a comfortable home to stay in where their family can always be together, without worrying where to sleep and rest in, eat together, play, seek refuge in times of heavy rains or floods, and feel safe from any form of danger to one’s health or life, day in and day out.
And, of course, as Filipino citizens, to be able to enjoy the company of neighbors within the community and having no fear or feeling of anxiety while carrying on their daily routine of working comfortably with decent jobs or for their children in going to school to acquire a fitting education to become productive citizens for the country, later in the future.
Bright Future For Filipinos?
But this early, starting off this January 2025, under the top leadership of a President Bongbong Marcos and his VP Sarah Duterte, is there really a bright future ahead that the Filipino people can expect?
That is, even if starting off six months from January 1?
Or, are the Filipino people destined to be greatly disappointed again, that is, life may be worse off than when Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte took over as head-of-state way back in June 2016?
There may be a chance of the Filipino people to expect a bit of improvement in their lives within the next six months of 2025, IF, and that’s a big IF – President Bongbong Marcos creates a ‘wow’ miracle. That is, IF he confronts, in all sincerity and honesty, with the aid of a ‘repentant’ Comelec, the alleged rigging of the May 9, 2022 elections (given the heroic untiring pursuit of the truth by the TNT trio led by the indefatigable truth-seeker, Ret. Gen. Eli Rio, Jr).
In fact, pursuing this great surprise move, as president, Bongbong Marcos can really create the biggest turn-around from top villain or traitor (to his fellow countrymen) to top HERO in the history of politics in the world!
Track Record of Lies
Truth to tell, such an unprecedented surprise move by President Bongbong Marcos may completely catch his allies (namely, his partners-in-crime, particularly Senators Bong Go and Bato de la Rosa, including his VP Sarah Duterte, her father and brothers, and his fellow dynasts in Congress and in the LGUs) flat-footed, panicky and worse, drive them on the verge of a heart-attack!
Is this Marcos, the son of his father, the infamous Dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos in the 70s and the 80s, (who was kicked out of the country by the 1986 People Power Revolution) responsible enough to make a super-heroic decision of seriously and deeply reflecting on his track record of lies?
But following his conscience, he’ll boldly ask the Comelec to fully explain and answer the queries of the TNT Trio regarding its claim of the Comelec/Smartmatic rigging of the May 9, 2022 elections?
Is the wish and hope of the Filipino people this 2025 for Social Justice to reign finally, possible at all? Or the Filipino people may need to re-think their wish and hope, and take action, somehow, sometime.
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