The Connection Between Thoughts and Illness

The Connection Between Thoughts and Illness

Sep 21, 2024, 7:15 AM
Tato Malay

Tato Malay


Have you ever thought about how our feelings and thoughts can affect our health? Recently, Dr. Willie Ong, a well-known doctor, shared that he was diagnosed with sarcoma, a type of cancer. This news made me reflect on a concept I often hear: our thoughts and emotions can influence our physical health. In some healing traditions, it’s believed that the state of our mind can manifest as illnesses in our bodies.

Think about it—when you’re feeling stressed or upset, doesn’t it sometimes feel like you’re more likely to catch a cold or develop a headache? This idea suggests that our bodies act as mirrors, reflecting what’s going on inside our minds. For instance, if you are constantly frustrated, that frustration can manifest as physical symptoms, just like how you might feel tired or drained after a long day at school or work.

Instead of asking “What is wrong with me?” when we feel unwell, we might try asking, “Who is the matter with me?” This shift in perspective focuses on our relationships with others and how they might be affecting us. If you have a pain on the left side of your body, some believe it could be related to a woman in your life, while pain on the right side might be linked to a man. This doesn’t mean it’s a strict rule, but it highlights how our interactions can impact our well-being.

Let’s break down some common emotions and how they might connect to specific health issues:

1. Anger: If you often feel angry or hostile, you might experience problems like arthritis or heart issues. Anger can create tension in the body that leads to physical pain.

2. Confusion and Frustration: These feelings can lead to common illnesses like colds and headaches. When your mind is cluttered, it’s hard for your body to function smoothly.

3. Fear: Feeling scared or anxious can result in asthma or digestive issues. Fear can create a sense of unease that affects your body’s normal functions.

4. Grief and Depression: When dealing with loss or sadness, you might develop more serious conditions like cancer or other chronic illnesses. Emotional pain can be just as powerful as physical pain.

5. Guilt: If you’re holding onto guilt, it can lead to back problems or even serious illness like cancer. Learning to forgive yourself can help ease this burden.

6. Resentment: Holding onto anger towards someone can lead to health issues like arthritis or heart problems.. It’s important to find ways to let go of those feelings.

7. Stress and Tension: This is a big one! Stress can lead to headaches, high blood pressure, and digestive issues. Finding ways to relax is crucial for both mental and physical health.

The next time you’re not feeling well, take a moment to reflect on your emotions. Who might be causing you stress or frustration? Recognizing these connections can be a powerful step towards healing. By understanding that our inner world can influence our physical state, we can take charge of our health in a new way. Remember, it’s not just about treating the symptoms; it’s about understanding the deeper emotional roots that might be causing them.

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