Professional bullies in the WPS

Professional bullies in the WPS

Jan 2, 2024, 2:26 AM
Ray L. Junia

Ray L. Junia


Headline. Emulate Rizal’s genuine love for country – Marcos.


Headline. China blasts Phl plan to build Ayungin facilities.

Who says thieves soften when caught with their hands in the cookie jar?


China claims its maritime and naval forces had been professional and responsible in their conduct at the South China Sea.

Professional bullies and responsible for the destruction of our marine resources.


Survey says over 60% of Filipinos believe 2023 was a bad year for them and their families.

2024 promises a bigger challenge to all.


The night after Christmas, had drinks with my neighbors. I noticed Fred had a lump on his right cheek.

‘That looks like a gift from Nora, what happened?” I asked Fred. (Nora is Fred’s wife.)

‘That’s correct,” Fred replied, adding “Last night Nora and I had wine after dinner, then I whispered ‘I love you’”.

Surprised, she whispered back, “Is that you or the wine talking?”

The naughty me, said “It’s me talking to the wine.”

“That’s the story of this mark on my face.”


An iPhone and a firework were arrested on New Year’s eve. One was charged and the other was let off.


In a New Year’s Eve party in our village, attended mostly by members of church organizations in our local parish, the parish priest stood up and announced that at the stroke of midnight, he called on every husband to stand next to the person who made his life beautiful and interesting. As the clock struck midnight, the bartender was almost crushed to death.


Pedro was too drunk on New Year’s Eve. Still he decided to go home, driving his car. As he was swaying on the road, he was spotted and stopped by a police officer.

“You’re too drunk to drive. Why are you on the road at 4 in the morning?” he was asked.

Pedro: “I’m on my way to a lecture.”

Police officer: “Who on earth would give a lecture at this hour?”

Pedro: “My wife.”


Prostitutes, to politicians, they are votes. To policemen, they are bank notes. To men, they are winter coats; a quote from a movie.


When a prostitute was asked the difference between ‘Ooooh’ and ‘Aaah’, she answered: “about four inches”


Why don’t women have hair on their chests? Answer: You don’t get grass growing on a playground.


Why is it common, mothers cry at weddings? Answer: daughters usually marry someone like their fathers.


What happens when a group of nymphomaniacs have a party?

Everybody comes.



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