Pick your path progress vs perfect
Candid Conversations

Pick Your Path: Progress vs. Perfect

Jan 27, 2024, 5:42 AM
Vivien Mangalindan

Vivien Mangalindan


THE BACK STORY Trying to be perfect isn't always the way to go. Wanting everything to be perfect can make us do our best - but it can also make us stressed and doubtful.

  • Take Sarah, for example. She spent way too much time trying to make a project perfect. It made her miss deadlines - and stressed her out.
  • Putting too much importance on being perfect can stop us from making progress and trying new things.


Sometimes, when we're trying to be better - a big question shows up:

  • Should we try to be perfect?
  • Or is it okay to get a little better each day?

This choice affects how we deal with problems and decisions. It can make a big difference in how happy we are.

  • Finding a balance between wanting to get better and trying to be perfect is really important to stay positive on the way to long-term success.


On the other hand - there's something awesome about just getting better. It means:

  • Understanding that growing happens bit by bit
  • Celebrating the small wins
  • Learning when things don't go exactly as we thought

Look at John, for instance. He sets fitness goals every week that he can actually reach - and it makes his journey fun and motivating.


Figuring out the right mix between getting better and trying to be perfect is like finding a good recipe. It's about knowing what we want and breaking it into smaller, do-able steps.

Take Jack, for example. He wanted to move up in his career - so he made big goals.

  • But he was smart and broke them into smaller tasks that he could actually do.
  • This way, he made progress without feeling like it was too much.

Setting achievable goals and embracing imperfection are key to bouncing back stronger when plans don't go as planned.


How we think is a big deal when it comes to getting better - and trying to be perfect. Having a mindset that's all about learning and growing goes well with just trying to get better.

  • Martha, for instance, had a tough project. Instead of thinking it had to be perfect - she saw it as a chance to get better at her skills.
  • Not worrying too much about being perfect turned out to be really important for her to keep getting better.


Enjoying the Journey. Life is like a big adventure where we want to do better and be great. But you know what? Trying to be perfect all the time is tough. The interesting thing is - as we make small improvements, we find out what we're really good at.

When we make mistakes - it's okay. We can learn from them. And when we do something awesome, like achieving a goal - it's worth celebrating.

  • Keeping a positive attitude makes life interesting and helps us move ahead.
  • Even the not-so-perfect parts of the journey can be stepping stones to something great.

The secret to a happy journey is finding joy in getting better - and growing. It's not about trying to be perfect all the time.

Remember: Pick your path. Real success is when we balance trying our best with enjoying every step of the journey.

YouTube: SHOW AND TELL with Miss V


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