Third Zone by Boboy Yonzon
Third Zone

Making dreams come true

Oct 11, 2021, 3:48 AM
Boboy Yonzon

Boboy Yonzon


YOU can make your dreams come true. There is a trick or a method to that - if you believe in motivational speakers.

It is called visualization, where you tune your mind to create visions - clear and exact – of what your whole being desires to happen, to achieve, to acquire, or to be.

Successful people use the power of visualization.

The website of Great Performers Academy (GPA) offers several tips on how to use visualization to “achieve your biggest dreams.”

Let us check on some of what GPA says:

See and Believe. First of all, you have to be clear with your dreams. It is not enough to wish for a beautiful house, a sexy wife, or a happy life.

You have to visualize your dream vividly. Only then will you see the possibility of it happening in your life. “You can create your preferred future.”

What this actually does it that it motivates you and helps you work towards your goals.

GPA claims that substantial scientific research indicates that visualization really works.

This is not philosophy but physics.

Your vision could reprogram your habits and behavior.

But it asks of you to tune your senses to see, hear and feel yourself finally getting to your ambition.

Feel the groove.

Identify and Undergo the Process Towards the End Goal. Dreams do not just poof into a reality.

Like layering of bricks, there are many smaller activities that you must perform before you achieve your dream.

I guess it is like asking God for fulfilled dreams. Kumilos ka naman. Kapal mo kung iaasa mo lang sa Maykapal.

The example that GPA gives is that of having to be a champion athlete, which jibes with my current favorite actualizer, Hidilyn.

Before you visualize yourself on the podium, you should undergo rigorous preparation of exercises, diets and physical conditioning.

You are the Star in Your Vision. When you visualize, see yourself in the vision. You cannot be a spectator looking in.

See yourself among the characters and items in the imaging. “Your body, soul and mind should be in that moment as you visualize your desire.”

Have a Positive Dialog Within Your Vision. Forming and uttering words can be powerful. Self-dialogue such as “I am a winner” could help you affirm your ideas, desires or dreams.

With the suggestion of words, images become more real in your subconscious and eventually become a reality.

I take this as a device for positive thinking and not as a delusion. Plant your feet on the ground by working hard.

Be Confident in Universal Support. As you create the mental images of your heart’s desires, feel confident that the universe will bring them to you.

Some call it the Law of Attraction, while others simply of positive energies aligning with your dreams.

Fulfillment can take some time but eventually, you will get what you desire. Christians will say, believe in God’s Plan.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Imagination is legitimate in visualization. Dare to go further into what you consider impossible. Imagine this, believe in it and visualize yourself in it.

“Envision yourself with the things that you truly desire in your heart and mind but you don’t have them right now. Try your best to go into every little detail as you visualize. After you do this, have faith in the process, believe in yourself and watch your dreams turn into reality.”

Now, how do you engage in visualization?

Let us pick up tips from the website of the CEOWORD, and I would like to throw in my own experience.

Find a quiet place, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes, and imagine the universe abiding by your wishes. There is an energy spot for you wherever you are.

Set aside a few minutes a day. The ideal time is when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and right before you go to bed.

“Engage your five senses to make the power of visualization explosive.” Be able to touch and even smell that vision.

You must create a blueprint mentally and go step-by-step to solidify your habits for positive action, one step at a time.

Your success or failure depends on your mindset. Build this with a positive attitude and approach by visualizing successfully.

Visualize and materialize.

The site of says that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions; mental images impact many processes in your brain, such as attention, perception, planning and memory.

In other words, it says, the brain sees no difference between the thought of an action and a real action.

When you constantly focus on an image in your mind, every cell in your body is involved in that image. You vibrate and resonate with everything that is in harmony with that frequency, both on a physical and non-physical level.

This frequency, the site says, moves you towards the image; it moves everything that is needed towards you, for the creation of the desired image.

Do I believe in visualization? I’ve been practicing it for years.

My boulevard is strewn with broken dreams but, by and large, I am grateful.

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