Fine by Me by Amadeus Rex
Fine By Me

Give Yourself a Break

Jan 23, 2021, 3:14 AM
Amadeus Rex

Amadeus Rex


Work is one of the many necessities of our lives. You have to get things done to get things, especially in the typical definition of “work”.

When you have a lot of things you need to accomplish, you might want to do as much as you can as soon as you can, all so you have more time for the things you actually want to do.

Thing is, you're only human. You can push yourself to your limits, whether physically, mentally, or any other way, but constantly doing such a thing without any sort of recovery in between great efforts spells an imminent burnout.

Momentum Of Productivity

I personally prefer to keep a continuous momentum of productivity.

When I work, I want to keep doing as much as I can, because I feel as though I need to take a lot of time to get into the right headspace for a task.

I tend to lose interest in a specific pursuit if I set it aside, and it would take a lot of time to regain interest or get reaccustomed to it.

When I was still in college, I would set aside specific periods of time where pretty much all I would do is work on my requirements.

Sometimes I would get so focused that I'd even forget to drink water or get enough sleep. That's a bad habit, of course, and I've since learned to break it.

Consistency and Technique

While determination and dedication are honorable traits in any field of work or activity, it is important to remember that there are things you —your mind and body— still need.

When you exercise, you need to drink enough water and pace yourself.

I honestly don't know much about it, but I've often been told it's about the consistency and technique rather than constantly pushing yourself to extremes.

You do it to train and strengthen your body, not to break it.

Do your best in what you do, but take care of your body and mind, too.

You need to be in as good a shape as possible to more easily perform well, and if you're in bad shape, you might not even perform much at all.

Eat well, stay hydrated, get enough sleep. You hear that everywhere, but it's true because these are basic needs.

Find Time To Relax

You also need to remind yourself that taking some time to yourself or spending it with the people you love does wonders.

Learn how to have fun and relax every now and then — you're a human, not a machine.

Remember: even machines need a source of pow

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