Forever Young: Embracing Immortality in the Modern Age

Forever Young: Embracing Immortality in the Modern Age

Aug 24, 2024, 7:15 AM
Tato Malay

Tato Malay


"You mean we were-are-never supposed to die?

You never do die. Life is eternal. You are immortal. You never do die. You simply change form. You didn’t even have to do that. You decided to do that, I didn’t. I made you bodies that would last forever. Do you really think the best God could do, the best I could come up with, was a body that could make it 60, 70, maybe 80 years before falling apart? Is that, do you imagine, the limit of My ability?" – Conversations with God, Book 1, p.193, Neale Donald Walsch

Have you ever stopped to think about what it means to live forever? According to some beliefs, like the one shared in the book "Conversations with God," it suggests that we are never truly meant to die. Instead, we are immortal beings who simply change forms.

Imagine this: What if our bodies were designed to last forever, to stay young and healthy for all eternity? The idea is that we don't have to grow old and weak, but instead, we can remain forever young. It's not about avoiding death, but about living a vibrant and fulfilling life for as long as we choose.

So, why do we see people getting sick and aging? It's not necessarily because of the passing of time, but rather due to factors like stress, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyles. Our bodies are resilient and capable of staying strong and healthy for much longer than we might think.

To live forever young means more than just looking youthful on the outside. It's about being healthy, having loving relationships, pursuing our passions, and finding success in what we do. When we take care of our bodies, minds, and spirits, we can potentially extend our lives and live them to the fullest.

Think about it: What if we focused on living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us? What if we prioritized our well-being and nurtured our bodies with clean water, nutritious food, and positive thoughts? By doing so, we can create a life that is vibrant, joyful, and full of energy.

Imagine a world where age is just a number, where we can continue to grow, learn, and explore without the limitations of time. It's all about embracing our true potential and living each day with purpose and passion.

So, let's strive to be forever young in spirit, to cherish our health, relationships, and dreams. Let's believe in our ability to live a long and fulfilling life, free from the constraints of aging. Together, we can create a future where youthfulness is not defined by years, but by the vitality and joy we bring to the world.

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