Flirting with the new FLiRT Covid

Flirting with the new FLiRT Covid

May 27, 2024, 2:06 AM
Diego S. Cagahastian

Diego S. Cagahastian


The new Covid-19 strain that is currently hitting Singapore is called FLiRT Covid-19, but Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Teodoro Herbosa does not see the need to implement border control and mandatory wearing of facemasks amid these reported cases of new COVID-19.

Herbosa has taken the laid-back stance on this latest development about Covid-19, which is easy to understand because the Philippines, as are the rest of the countries, have already experienced the worst in this coronavirus and by now know what steps to take.

In a press briefing, Herbosa told reporters the FLiRT COVID-19 variant monitored in Singapore is mostly respiratory tract infection, which means patients are suffering from cough and common colds.

“So, I’m not thinking border control, mandatory mask – I’m not thinking that,” Herbosa told the Malacañang Press Corps.

Herbosa’s take on the issue is backed up by numbers.

The Philippines remains at low risk for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) amid reports of new variants monitored abroad. While there is an observed increase recently, it is small and lower than previously observed increases. Out of the new cases reported, seven had severe or critical disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Covid-19 Epidemiological Update on May 17 noted three new variants under monitoring (VUM) -- JN.1.18, KP.2 and KP.3 -- which are descendants of JN.1.As of May 12, only 11 percent or 119 out of 1,117 dedicated Covid-19 intensive care unit (ICU) beds were occupied.

New variants KP.2 and KP.3 are also called “FLiRT” by some researchers to describe amino acid changes in the Covid-19 virus’ spike protein.

Herbosa said the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) is closely monitoring the health condition of foreigners entering the country through the health declaration they fill out upon entry.

“The caution is precaution mo. You must be vaccinated at least, or if you are at risk probably, I’d advise don’t travel there muna while they are having an increasing number of new cases. Pero if you are healthy, maybe a regular mask that you bring along to protect you will be good advice,” he said.

Herbosa however urged the public to observe minimum public health standards, or stay home when sick.

The DOH secretary likes to refer to the numbers—that we have 78 million people who were vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccines, and with boosters to boot. If there is any need for another vaccination, then it would mean a personal discussion between the physician and the patient.

There is also this factor to consider: vaccines have a waning effect of immunity.

“So, I think they still have some level of immunity. So, no requirement for border control, no requirement for mandatory masks, no requirement for additional vaccination, but we are monitoring the cases,” he added.

Herbosa said the public should just continue observing minimum health precautions including cough etiquette, avoiding overcrowded places and observing proper ventilation.

The health chief says so. We comply.

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