Everyday Conversations vs. Public Speaking
Candid Conversations

Everyday Conversations vs. Public Speaking

Dec 2, 2023, 2:32 AM
Vivien Mangalindan

Vivien Mangalindan


Let's talk about talking - whether it's with friends or in front of a crowd. Knowing how to switch between having a chill talk and giving a big speech is crucial.


Everyday talk is the spontaneous stuff we say daily. It's chatting with coworkers, having a heart-to-heart with a friend or a quick catch-up with family.

  • No need for perfect words. It's about being real - and making connections.
  • Body language and facial expressions take center stage in everyday talk.
  • A nod, a smile or a shrug can say more than words.

It's laid-back - with room for laughs, pauses and the occasional awkward moment.

The main goal? Understand each other - and enjoy the chat.


Imagine Joey and Ana in the office breakroom, taking a coffee break. Chatting about their weekend plans, laughter fills the air.

  • It's not a scripted workplace talk - but a genuine exchange.
  • Joey shares a funny story. Ana talks excitedly about a recent experience.
  • Their non-verbal cues, friendly nods and smiles, create a laid-back vibe.

The goal is simple:

  • Connect
  • Build workplace relationships
  • Enjoy a moment of camaraderie


Public speaking is like stepping onto a different communication island.

  • It's when you talk to a bunch of people at work - or stand on a stage.
  • This needs some planning. It's not like everyday talk.
  • It's about having a clear message everyone can get.

In public speaking - body language becomes even more critical.

  • Gestures, eye contact and moving around keep folks interested.
  • Speaking clearly and not too fast is key.
  • Being ready for questions is a must.


Picture Andy and Kate in a meeting - sharing a project update with their team.

  • It's not like their usual talks.
  • This workplace discussion needs planning.
  • No casual banter - just a clear message for everyone.

They stand up front - using gestures and eye contact.

  • They speak clearly - not too fast - ready for questions.
  • It's not a laid-back chat.
  • It's more formal: speaking to lots of people who need to get the project details.

Andy and Kate aim to connect with their whole team - making the information easy to grasp.


Everyday talk and public speaking are like two islands with different vibes.

  • Everyday chat is chill and flexible - happening in smaller groups where things are more personal.
  • Public speaking is a bit more formal - meant for larger and diverse groups where everyone needs to get the message.

The reason for talking is different too.

  • Everyday talk is about connecting and sharing.
  • Public speaking often aims to convince or teach lots of people.

It's about understanding how words can impact a bunch of folks.


Sailing the communication sea means knowing when to switch between everyday conversation and public speaking.

  • Casual talk builds friendships.
  • Public speaking lets you inspire and influence more people.


The Power of Everyday Conversations. In the end - whether you're having a chill talk or giving a big speech - it's all about understanding each way of talking.

  • Public speaking can make a big impact.
  • But the real power often lies in everyday talk.

Simple conversations build strong connections - creating trust and understanding.

Remember: Whether you're sharing a moment over coffee or talking to a bunch of people - everyday conversation is the secret superpower that makes bonds last.


YouTube: SHOW AND TELL with Miss V

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