Essentials of Life

Essentials of Life

Oct 26, 2023, 5:07 AM
Dr. Agustin Nuñez  Arceña

Dr. Agustin Nuñez Arceña


Are you a Pro-Life advocate? Humans are different from inorganic materials because of life. Indeed, some people appreciate having free will in life. Others lack that privilege, such as slaves and prisoners. Yet life is more than merely squeaking by on your own in society. Without a doubt, it is far more than that.

So, the quality of life is really important. The main goal should be to lead a meaningful life above all else. Living a meaningful existence means being able to communicate with our inner selves. We are all born, go through life, and then eventually die. This is how we are attempting to mold our lives.

Each has a unique life. Some people struggle greatly in life, but others do not. One viewpoint on life is held by those who have never experienced hardship.

Life is Everything

Another suicide incident has been recorded recently, but the question is: how much does everyone really value their life? To live, to inspire, to learn, to share, to grow, to teach, to love, to feel, to adventure, to fail, and to rise Life is everything.

From the day our hearts started beating in our mothers' wombs, we accepted the gift of life from our creator, our Lord. That makes him the only one who can take away our lives too. But why are some eager to end their lives at their own will?

We all know how hard it is to live the life that has been given to us, but we also need to keep in mind that suffering is not permanent and that it is not only us who have problems and are struggling but also everyone else.

Let us appreciate everyone who has life, like flowers, animals, and everything around us that has life. And most importantly, let us appreciate the life we have right now, because the life we have right now is the life you somehow promised or dreamed of to your old self. Sometimes in our lives, we question our purpose or our role in this world, in certain communities, and in the society that we live in.

Our Whole Existence

Life has no definite or specific meaning, but it is as meaningful as other words because it involves our whole existence. Someone in your family, friends, or people around you values life less or more. They value life less than anything else, which results in suicidal thoughts and incidents that affect not just the family but also the school, her or his friends, people around them, and society itself.

They valued life greatly, for they knew their purpose in life and realized how important it was to live longer.

All of us have different reasons for doing such things; we cannot judge them, for everyone of us has different perspectives according to our experiences in life. It’s their life to decide. But what or how should we really value our lives?

Sometimes appreciating small things, like being grateful to be awake every day, by thinking that the problems we encounter in our daily lives are just ways to make us stronger in surviving the life we have, is already a good start in giving more value to life.

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