

May 4, 2024, 2:36 AM
Tato Malay

Tato Malay


In life, we are given the amazing gift of free will by God. This means we have the power to make choices and decisions for ourselves. However, with this gift comes responsibility and consequences. It's like having the freedom to choose what path to take, but also understanding that each path leads to different outcomes.

When we talk about universal laws and principles, we are referring to the idea that there are certain fundamental truths that govern the way the world works. These laws are not imposed by some external force but are inherent in the fabric of existence. They guide everything from the movement of planets to the choices we make in our daily lives.

Imagine a world where poverty no longer exists. This isn't something that will magically happen one day because God decides it's time. Instead, it will happen when people, working together with God, nature, and the laws of the universe, recognize the abundance that already exists in the world. By understanding and aligning with these universal principles of abundance, we can create a future where everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

Wars are another example of the consequences of our choices. They will only cease when a critical mass of people realize that they are no longer acceptable and actively work towards peace. It's not about waiting for God to intervene but about taking responsibility for our actions and working towards a more harmonious world.

Disease, too, can be eradicated through a combination of scientific advancements, common sense practices, and a deeper understanding of spiritual truths. By replacing ignorance, superstition, fear, and confusion with knowledge, reason, and a connection to our higher selves, we can overcome illness and promote health and well-being for all.

Ultimately, by embracing universal laws and principles, we can tap into the power of cooperation with God, nature, and the underlying order of the universe. Through this alignment, we can create a world where poverty, war, and disease are relics of the past, and where peace, abundance, and health reign supreme. It's up to each of us to choose to live in harmony with these principles and work towards a brighter future for all.

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