
Embracing Time Wealth: A Journey of Love and Connection

Feb 22, 2025, 7:15 AM
Tato Malay

Tato Malay


I was based in Baguio City for some time when I received a call from my mother one morning. Her voice was soft but heavy with emotion. She asked how I was and expressed how much she missed me. I could hear her crying, and in that moment, something shifted inside me. I decided to leave Baguio, a place I had come to see as my second home, and return to Quezon City to be with her.

It was 2017 when I got home, and shortly after, the pandemic hit. Everything came to a standstill, and I realized that if I hadn’t made that decision, I could have been locked down in Baguio for three years. Instead, those years became some of the most meaningful of my life. My sister and I took on the responsibility of caring for our centennial mother.

Every day, we would carry her from her bed to her wheelchair, making the journey to the living room so she could watch the TV mass while having breakfast. After breakfast, we’d bring her back to her room for some rest. Feeding her became part of my daily routine. I would sit on her bed, gently supporting her back with one arm while offering her food with the other. It was a simple act, but it allowed us to connect in a way that brought us closer together.

Those moments, filled with love and laughter, became a treasure I hold dear. I would embrace her, share stories, and just be present with her. It made me realize how vital it is to cherish the time we have with our loved ones. Life is unpredictable, and though my mother was not at the end of her life, I learned that we can be nearing the end of our time with those who matter most. She died at the age of 102.

You never know when it will be the last time you do something. The last bedtime story you read to your children, the last walk with your loved one, or the last hug at a family gathering. These little moments, often taken for granted, are the ones we will someday wish we had more of. This realization hit me hard. It made me understand the importance of investing in what I call "Time Wealth."

Time Wealth according to Sahil Bloom is about recognizing the fleeting nature of life and allowing that awareness to guide your choices. It’s about focusing on what truly matters and letting go of distractions. I learned to spend my time in ways that honored my relationships, giving me a sense of control over how, where, and with whom I spent it. I cherish every moment we shared, and I know those years together were a gift I will always treasure.

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