Embracing the Four Absolute

Embracing the Four Absolutes: A Journey Through Honesty, Love, Unselfishness, and Purity

Sep 7, 2024, 7:02 AM
Tato Malay

Tato Malay


In my teenage years, I was introduced to the teachings of the Moral Re-Armament Movement (MRA), founded by Frank Buchman. This movement centers around four core principles known as the "Four Absolutes": absolute honesty, absolute love, absolute unselfishness, and absolute purity. These ideals are not just abstract concepts; they serve as guiding principles for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

At the heart of the Four Absolutes is a stark clarity: you are either honest or you are not. This idea resonates with the philosophical principle of the excluded middle, which states that something is either true or false, with no room for ambiguity. In a world that often embraces gray areas, the MRA’s teachings challenge us to reconsider our choices and actions. Are we being completely honest in our interactions? Are we loving unconditionally? These questions prompt deep reflection and encourage us to strive for a higher standard in our daily lives.

The teachings of the MRA also remind me of biblical phrases attributed to Jesus in the Book of Revelation, where He states, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," and "I am the first and the last." These declarations emphasize His eternal nature and divine authority. Similar to the Four Absolutes, these phrases signify the importance of beginnings and endings, urging us to recognize the completeness of truth, love, and purpose in our lives.

As I delved deeper into these teachings, I began to apply them in my own life and, later, to share them through my Kamalayan Manifesting Techniques Lecture Series. In this series, I emphasize the power of these absolutes as a framework for manifesting desires and goals. When we align ourselves with absolute honesty, love, unselfishness, and purity, we create a strong foundation for our intentions. This alignment not only enhances our personal growth but also allows us to connect with others in a more authentic and meaningful way.

For instance, practicing absolute honesty means being truthful with ourselves and others, which builds trust and fosters deeper relationships. Absolute love encourages us to approach each interaction with compassion and understanding. Absolute unselfishness reminds us to consider the needs of others, cultivating a spirit of generosity. Finally, absolute purity invites us to reflect on our motives and intentions, ensuring they are aligned with our highest values.

In a society that often promotes compromise and relativism, embracing these absolutes can be transformative. They challenge us to live with integrity and purpose, pushing us to become the best versions of ourselves. The teachings of the MRA now known as Initiatives of Change and the biblical truths serve as powerful reminders that life is about making conscious choices that reflect our values.

Ultimately, the journey through the Four Absolutes and their application in our lives can lead to profound personal transformation. By striving for absolute honesty, love, unselfishness, and purity, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute positively to the world around us. Let us embark on this journey together, guided by these timeless principles, to create a more fulfilling and authentic life.

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