Embrace The Present For A Better Future
Equal Space

Embrace The Present For A Better Future

Jul 30, 2024, 7:15 AM
Luchie Aclan Arguelles

Luchie Aclan Arguelles


When I visited my son in Canada, he showed me his newly refurbished basement where they can hold big parties and where his two children can play without creating a ruckus in the upper floors.

"Remember, Ma, you made it a point that when we were kids, we must have read 'The Little Prince'?" I am touched he remembered.

There, in an imposing spot, is a framed painting of the cover of the book that gave him and his three sisters many unforgettable quotes and lessons.

These lessons included valuing time, not putting off for tomorrow what could be done today, and that it is never too late to pursue any goal.

A World Of Possibilities

Indeed, author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is very right about the value of time.

His extraordinary character, a little boy who gains wisdom traveling the universe, asserts, "The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something."

This quote captures a profound truth about human potential and the urgency of the present moment. It speaks to the essence of seizing the day, of not allowing the past's shadows to eclipse the present's opportunities. It emphasizes that regardless of past procrastination or missed chances, there remains a world of possibilities in the here and now.

It explains the significance of time and as to why taking either immediate action or the fallacy of waiting for the perfect moment, and the enduring potential for change at any stage of life.

Mythical Perfect Moment

Let's face it! One of the most common reasons people delay taking action is the belief in a mythical "perfect moment." This is the notion that conditions must align flawlessly before one can embark on a new endeavor, whether it is starting a business, pursuing a passion, or making a significant life change.

However, this idealized moment rarely, if ever, arrives.

Life is inherently unpredictable, and waiting for perfection often results in missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

Saint-Exupéry's quote serves as a reminder that the perfect moment is a construct of the mind. Instead of waiting for conditions to be ideal, we must recognize that action taken now, even amidst imperfection, can set the stage for growth and progress. It is through action, rather than hesitation, that we create favorable conditions and opportunities.

Dwelling In The Past

Another critical aspect of this quote is its encouragement to move beyond past mistakes and regrets.

It is easy to become stuck by reflections on what could have been. Many individuals fall into the trap of believing that because they did not seize opportunities in the past, they are doomed to a future of missed chances. This mindset can be crippling, leading to a cycle of inaction and regret.

These words remind us that every day is a new opportunity to start afresh. The past is a valuable teacher, but it should not dictate our future. By focusing on what we can do today, we can break free from the chains of past procrastination and create a more fulfilling future.

Incremental Progress

Taking action now does not necessarily mean making grand, sweeping changes all at once. Often, the most significant transformations come from consistent, small steps taken over time. This principle is evident in many aspects of life, from personal development to professional success.

For instance, consider the journey of writing a book. The prospect of completing an entire manuscript can be daunting, leading many aspiring authors to delay starting. But by committing to write just a few hundred words each day, the task becomes manageable. Over weeks and months, these small efforts accumulate, resulting in a completed book.

This principle of incremental progress applies to many goals and aspirations, illustrating that consistent action, no matter how small, can lead to significant achievements over time.

Sense Of Empowerment

The present moment is the only time we truly have control over. By focusing our energy and efforts on what we can do now, we set the foundation for future success. This proactive approach contrasts sharply with the reactive nature of procrastination, which often leaves us at the mercy of circumstances.

Taking action now fosters a sense of empowerment and momentum.

Each step forward, no matter how small, builds confidence and resilience. This momentum can propel us towards greater accomplishments and help us navigate future challenges with a proactive mindset.

Take Action ... Now

The quote serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of immediate action and the potential for change at any stage of life. By rejecting the illusion of the perfect moment, learning from but not dwelling on the past, and embracing the power of incremental progress, we can create the future we desire.

Today is all we have to shape our destiny and the time to take action is now.

(email opinyon.luchie@gmail.com, luchiearguelles@yahoo.com)

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