WALANG GURI: Gem Suguitan

Defining one's self

Apr 20, 2023, 4:09 AM
Gem Suguitan

Gem Suguitan


Do we define ourselves geographically or do we consider all parts of the country part of us, since we are all Filipinos, anyway? In beauty pageants, we usually ask the candidates where they are from or which places they represent. When you were born in say, Lopez, and you have lived your entire life in Manila, does that qualify you to join Miss Lopez? When you were born in Gumaca, and you were educated and raised in Lopez, where do you classify yourself? Gumacahin or Lopezin? The same conflict usually arises in searches for outstanding individuals. There’s always that question of hometowns.

Hometowns are not just places where people were born or grew up. It is also where theypermanently lived, or lived for a long period.Simply put, a town that has become one’s home at any point of his or her life. However, in instances where a specific residence is required, we tend to ignore those who are potential treasures to that particular place by justifying the rejection. How do we reconcile that dilemma?

Believe it or not, there were some people who needed help and not entertained by a particular local government because they do not belong to the political jurisdiction of that local government office.

Filipinos should not just limit themselves by being local or regionalistic because the whole country is also their home. Have we realized this? We are Quezonins but also Filipino. The bigger subset should prevail. We are Filipinos and we are Asians, and we live on earth, we are part of the universe. So let our vision be wide and our scope for helping others and caring for others be even bigger.

This is not to say that we have to erase the line that separates us from other places, no. Because we become uniquely Quezonin for the things that identifies us and separates us from the rest of the Philippines. But apart from being who we are as people from Quezon Province, let us also shine as part of the whole nation. Do not be secluded in our own shell. Regionalism is good at one point but it should not be everything, to the point of looking down or bringing down other cultures.

Tagalogs are not superior. We should always bear that in mind. Do not laugh at those who cannot speak good Filipino. Be appreciative that they are trying. They have a mother tongue that we are ignorant of. White complexion is not superior. Brown, black, and other colors of the skin are not inferior.

Be proud of being Quezonin, but do not look down or laugh at others in the process. Always see everything from a more understanding perspective. We are merely part of the whole.

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