Creating balance and harmony in life
Inspired & Blessed

Creating balance and harmony in life

Dec 13, 2023, 12:00 AM
Bob Acebedo

Bob Acebedo


Sages and philosophers affirm that having balance and harmony is one pervading aspiration in life. And such path of balance and harmony is embodied in one of the world’s most famous symbols: the Yin and Yang.

Yin-Yang is a central tenet in Daoism (the philosophy that there is a right way to live life, which involves finding and following the “Dao” or path to our life and also the universe) founded by Lao Tzu.

The Dao or “The Way” is often compared to a river flow. Just like the river, the Dao moves and directs all things, and we are like boats along its path. To be happy is to let the Dao carry us on. Daoism is simply considered as a call “to go with the flow” of the universe. In short, Daoism is finding balance and harmony in life. 

Yin-Yang is a guide to such path or Dao. It is the idea that there is a duality to everything. Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, mystery, passivity, the night sky, or the old. Yang is associated with light, energy, activity, clarity, the sun, or youth.

But this duality is not to be understood as some kind of oppositional conflict between the Yin and the Yang. Rather, it posits that there is a great harmony to be found in the contrast between things. In other words, Yin-Yang represents difference yet unity in life – or, picking up from my Latin background in the seminary, “e pluribus unum” or “unity in diversity.”

Yin-Yang finds its concordance in Aristotle’s “Virtus in medio stat” or “Virtue stands in the middle.” According to Aristotle, virtue (as contrasted to vice), being the Golden Mean, is finding balance between two excesses: too much or too little. Thus, for Aristotle, courage lies between cowardice and recklessness; modesty lies between humility and pride; honesty between secrecy and loquacity; self-control between impulsiveness and indecisiveness; and generosity between miserliness and extravagance.

But then, how can we find balance in life?

To my mind, two important points come to the fore.

One, the idea of balance should not be understood as “being able to do it all, have it all, and handle it all with a smile on our face.”” While it is plausible to point out that it’s fairly impossible to have or do “everything of anything,” in like manner balance is not simply having or doing “anything of everything.”

Two, balance isn’t actually something you have to find – but something you create, something that is within you.

Indian yogi and author, Sadhguru, wrote that, “There is no such thing as work-life balance. It is ALL (underscoring mine) life. The balance has to be within you.”

Hence, creating balance is a choice. It means that no matter what life throws at you, or what you do or don’t get done, you maintain an inner sense of peace – a calm in the midst of chaos.

In sum, the goal of balance is harmony. 

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