Blockchains and Bitcoins

Blockchains and Bitcoins

Dec 26, 2024, 5:55 AM
Ike Señeres

Ike Señeres


My dear countrymen, many developments will be happening in the United States that we should be monitoring closely, because it is certainly going to affect our country one way or another. One of these developments is the role that Mr. Elon Musk is going to play in the use of technology under the administration of President Donald Trump, considering that Mr. Musk is probably going to be either an adviser or a member of President Trump’s cabinet.

But before moving out any further, allow me to point out that in the US, they do not have a Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) as we have it here. What they have over there is the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Unlike the DICT whose function is more of program development and project management rather than policy planning, the role of NTIA is more of policy planning and advising the President. According to Microsoft Copilot, “the NTIA works to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet, promotes efficient use of the public airwaves, and supports the development of policies that keep the internet safe and secure”.

Also, according to Copilot, the White House has an “Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The OSTP is part of the Executive Office of the President and serves as the President's principal advisor on science and technology matters. The office works to ensure that the policies of the federal government are informed by sound science and that the United States remains a global leader in science and technology.

The OSTP is led by the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, who also serves as the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology”. I mentioned all this background information because I believe that eventually, Musk might either have to collaborate with both the NTIA and the OSTP, or he might end up supervising them if he joins the Trump administration. Chances are he could even head these two agencies himself concurrently, that is.

Aside from announcing his preference for both artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency, Musk is widely known to be supporting blockchain technology as well. It goes without saying that he will also support bitcoin technology, because it is a form of cryptocurrency that operates on a decentralized network using blockchain technology. While we are already getting some inklings as to which direction the US will take in using these technologies, I wonder what direction the Philippines will take?

Independent of Mr. Musk’s reported plans and actions, the US Congress is already conducting its own public hearing about how they want AI to be used and regulated. Here in the Philippines, neither the Executive Branch nor the Legislative Branch is touching the issue yet. But if either of the two branches would like to study the interconnected subjects of AI, machine learning, blockchains, cryptocurrency, bitcoins and robotics, I would be willing to assemble a committee of scientists, technologists, engineers and other practitioners to advise the government, for the good of the country.

Your friend, IKE SENERES/12-26-24/

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