WALANG GURI: Gem Suguitan

A Minimalist Lifestyle

May 4, 2023, 12:21 AM
Gem Suguitan

Gem Suguitan


In a world run by capitalism, individual lives are worth reflecting. Do we really need all the material things that we have, or has it become wiser now to live in a minimalist fashion?

Everybody has freedom to choose the life he/ she wants. Some exceedingly show off extravagance and others prefer a life that is simple and quiet. If you can afford it and you would like to live like a king or a queen, that is okay. If you prefer to be ordinary, it is also fine. There is no right and wrong, as long as ethical considerations are in order.

When I had the chance to help my parents relocate, I have learned that what only matters are those things that we need everyday in order to live. Water, food, medicine, and money. Of course, we also need equipment, electronic gadgets, and technology like internet, telephone, refrigerator, stove, etc. But those that are not basically needed, we can do away with it. We do not even need a lot of clothes, shoes, and bags. We can live lightly, it is so possible, and I kind of enjoy it.

When I was young, and even until I grew older, I collected a lot of things, most of those I do not really need but bought only for the sake of collecting. I have been used to having a lot of things. But that is changing now. I do not even feel separation anxiety from the things that I once loved.

I am learning to accept that simple life with only the things that I need makes me happier and more inspired to do things daily. My physical space is huge but it is not cluttered, so it makes me feel freer.

The best reward is peace of mind.

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