Zuellig Pharm Corp. looks to open new facilities in response to rising demand in the Philippines
Healthcare services provider Zuellig Pharma Corp. is looking to widen its facilities and services due to increasing demands by building five more cold-chain storage facilities in the country this year.
Zuellig Pharma market managing director Jannette Jakosalem told The STAR that the company is planning to kickstart a National Distribution Center to ensure effective and efficient deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, such as the Spikevax COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna, to the general population.
“We are keen in building more facilities in the next two to three years such as state-of-the-art cold-chain storage facilities and the National Distribution Center to help the Philippines build its capacity,” Jakosalem said.
“We are also keen on improving our current roster of digital solutions in the logistics space in response to the growing needs of our stakeholders and the relevance of healthcare logistics in the industry,” she added.
Jakosalem said the company is focused on improving its logistics capabilities to ensure effective and efficient distribution of medical supplies, especially vaccines, across the country.
Zuellig Pharma is the leading pharmaceutical distributor in the country due to its integrated network of regional distribution centers across the country, reaching more ground and giving access to essential medicines and vaccines to those who are in great need.
The company also offers digital solutions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which made it harder for healthcare services across the country to be available.
As a result, the company introduced digital solutions in the healthcare logistics base such as the eZRx, eZConsult, and eZTracker.
eZRx is a transparent business-to-business e-commerce platform that drives sales, improves processes, and tracks orders for all clients.
eZConsult is a virtual care mobile app to access healthcare services as they are partnering with retail pharmacies, laboratories, and fintech companies to provide advice and support, and services to patients through the platform.
Lastly, eZTracker is the first mobile application in Asia powered by blockchain technology which determines authorized medical products and can fully trace their distributions even in rural areas.
Tags:# pharmaceuticalcompany, #COVIDvaccines,#coldchainfacilities, #services