What, an EO for half rice?

What, an EO for half rice?

Dec 3, 2024, 7:54 AM
Rose De La Cruz

Rose De La Cruz


As the country was able to save P3.6 billion (or 300,000 tons of rice) from reduced wastage, the Department of Agriculture, through the Philippine Rice Research Institute, is now trying to institutionalize the practice of serving (by restaurants, carinderias and other dining centers) of half cup rice to customers to ensure that wastage would continue to decline.

Though this may not sit well with the blue-collar workers (kargadors in piers and airports, construction, manufacturing, transportation and maintenance) who consume more than a cup of rice per meal, this envisioned executive order would definitely push up their cost of living or meal allowances at work and at home.

The savings were based on the current price of rice at P43 per kilogram.

"Despite the significant savings, the amount of rice wasted could still sustain 2.79 million people for a year. This highlights the need for stronger advocacy on responsible consumption," said Dr. Hazel Antonio-Beltran, head of PhilRice development communication division.

Data from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) showed daily wastage per household averaged 53 grams of cooked rice from 2018 to 2019. Using the 2020 population as a reference, the DA estimated that uncooked rice wastage has been reduced from 9g per person in 2009 to 6g in 2024.

Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. stressed the need to adopt sustainable practices to reduce rice wastage.

"With around 300,000 tons of rice wasted annually, selling half-cup rice servings offers a practical way to reduce waste. Eating rice wisely is a responsibility we all share," he was quoted by Business World.

The DA said a proposed national bill and local ordinances could play a crucial role in promoting responsible rice consumption and reducing wastage across the country. Currently, there are nine provinces, 21 cities and 17 municipalities that have passed ordinances mandating food establishments to offer half-cup rice servings on their menu.

An EO is being prepared to encourage food establishments nationwide to adopt similar practices, ensuring a more sustainable approach to rice consumption, the DA said.

"With support from the Private Sector Advisory Council, we are working toward expanding the implementation of half-cup servings, particularly in government offices and events, in the near future," Beltran said.

This is not just about limiting consumption but about offering choices.

"Many Filipinos struggle to finish a full cup of rice. Providing smaller portions and cutting the price would benefit everyone who wishes to avail of smaller portions and help prevent waste while respecting individual preferences," she explained.

PhilRice conducted the "Half-Cup, Full-Heart" challenge from November 1 to 28 to encourage Filipinos to order smaller rice portions and promote mindful consumption to reduce waste.

The proposed EO seeks to make a standard serving of rice at half cup. PhilRice would propose initially the serving of half cup rice to establishments within the government offices for pilot testing.

“Then we will now look at the impact that will have on waste,” she said.

The data will be the basis for expanding the standard to private restaurants.

“Right now, we only have household data. We can use (the government test run) as reference to promote the initiative in all restaurants,” Antonio-Beltran said.

Philippine households waste about 255,000 metric tons of rice per year, or 19 to 20 kilograms per household.

The amount of rice wasted is equivalent to the consumption of 2.79 million people.

She added that the PhilRice is also proposing penalties of between P3,000 and P10,000 for non-compliance. (This however will certainly not be acceptable to food establishments who might pass on the penalties to blue collar workers, who will oppose this measure).

She said that the Private Sector Advisory Council also supports the initiative and is awaiting approval from the President.

“They’re just waiting for the final approval. Then, maybe, we can start next year. When that happens, maybe after two years, we can make him a national,” Ms. Antonio-Beltran added.

PhilRice has said that 47 local government units have adopted ordinances requiring food establishments to serve rice in half cups.

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