UP Visayas, DENR Collab  on Cultural Mapping

UP Visayas, DENR Collab on Cultural Mapping

Jun 10, 2024, 7:44 AM
Marjorie A. Maido

Marjorie A. Maido


Last Monday, June 3, UP Visayas and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region VI (DENR VI) marked a significant step in preserving the natural heritage of Western Visayas. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed to document the natural heritage of Panay and Guimaras as part of the Cultural Mapping of Panay and Guimaras Project. The initiative was further extended to Negros Occidental through another MOA with the Department of Education (DepEd) Region VI.

Natural Assets

The signing ceremony, held at the UPV Performing Arts Hall in Iloilo City, featured key figures including Dr. Clement C. Camposano, UPV Chancellor, and Dir. Livino B. Duran, DENR VI Regional Executive Director.

The agreements highlight DENR's role in guiding and assisting cultural mappers to document the region's natural assets.

The collaboration aims to catalog and preserve areas of cultural and natural significance, a crucial task given the diverse and rich heritage of Western Visayas.

Strong Roots

The project is a two-year endeavor involving UP Visayas, local government units, state universities and colleges, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the Office of Sen. Loren Legarda.

Dr. Victor De Gracia Jr., DepEd VI Assistant Regional Director, represented DepEd in the agreement to extend cultural mapping to Negros Occidental. This extension aims to cover all municipalities in the province, ensuring comprehensive documentation.

Key attendees included representatives from various state universities and colleges, project leaders, and UPV officials, all emphasizing the importance of cultural mapping. Dr. Camposano highlighted the necessity of understanding the plurality and fluidity of culture in these efforts.

Ms. Anna Razel Limoso-Ramirez, the project leader, provided a brief on the Cultural Mapping Project, stressing its collaborative nature and the employment of research assistants to aid in its execution.

Duran assured DENR VI’s commitment to supporting the cultural mapping activities, while ARD. De Gracia Jr. underscored the project's role in nation-building by strengthening cultural roots.

The Legarda Law

The project, prioritized by Sen. Loren Legarda, aligns with Republic Act 11961 (Cultural Mapping Law) and aims to foster a deeper appreciation and preservation of the region’s cultural and natural heritage.

Prof. Martin G. Genodepa, the program leader, encouraged participants to commit fully to the mapping efforts, hoping the fellowship formed will endure as the project advances.

This initiative is a critical step towards safeguarding the cultural legacy of Western Visayas, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from their rich heritage.

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