UNDAS 2023

Oct 28, 2023, 2:49 AM
Danny Querubin

Danny Querubin


San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora leads inspection at the San Juan City Cemetery on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2023, at 9:00 AM, just before San Juaneños flock to the cemetery to visit their deceased loved ones for Undas 2023.

This is to ensure that the city’s main cemetery, along with the columbaries of St. John The Baptist and Santuario del Sto. Cristo, are prepared for the surge of people who will come during Undas. Members of San Juan PNP, BFP, Public Order and Safety Office and Task Force Disiplina will be deployed in cemeteries and columbaries to keep peace and order in the cemeteries. Quick Response Teams of the San Juan CDRRMO and CSWD booths will also be in the area should any individual need urgent medical care or help when children get lost. The San Juan cemetery along with all personnel will be in full operation from Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, from 6:00 am to 12:00 nn. Bringing of sharp objects and firearms, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, bicycles and motorcycles inside the cemetery will be prohibited. Playing loud music, littering, gambling, selling of items like flowers, food and drinks, and candles without special mayor’s permit, and tapping of electricity are not allowed.

#Undas2023 #SanJuanCityCemetery #AllSoulsDay #FrancisZamora #OpinYon #WeTakeAStand