Rising Fuel Prices: A Burden on Panay’s Transport Sector, Commuters

Rising Fuel Prices: A Burden on Panay’s Transport Sector, Commuters

Jul 8, 2024, 7:08 AM
OpinYon News Team

OpinYon News Team

News Reporter

As the clock strikes midnight on July 1, Panay residents braced for another hit to their wallets. Gasoline prices were up by P0.95 per liter, kerosene by P0.35, and diesel by P0.65. While these increases might seem small, they add up to significant costs for transport groups, businesses, and commuters.

For jeepney, tricycle, and taxi operators, this hike was another hurdle. Diesel’s P0.65 per liter increase means an extra P13 per day or P400 per month for a typical jeepney consuming 20 liters daily. These operators, already struggling post-pandemic, feel the pinch.

Businesses reliant on logistics and transportation face higher costs, which could mean increased prices for goods and services. This additional expense pressures the thin margins of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the backbone of Panay’s economy. Manufacturers using kerosene for production see costs rise, further stifling growth.

Commuters bear the brunt of higher fares as transport groups offset their losses. In rural Panay, where personal vehicles are essential, higher fuel prices mean a higher cost of living. Farmers and fishermen, reliant on diesel for machinery and boats, face increased operational costs, potentially raising food prices.

Rising fuel prices underscore the need for sustainable and resilient solutions. Local governments and businesses should explore alternative energy sources and efficient fuel technologies. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure, like solar-powered public transport, could offer long-term relief. Short-term solutions like targeted subsidies for public transport operators and SMEs, and promoting carpooling and eco-friendly commuting options, can help.

Another impending fuel price hike is a stark reminder of our vulnerability to global market fluctuations. For Panay’s transport groups, businesses, and commuters, the increase brings financial strain and highlights the need to reevaluate our energy dependencies. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting affected sectors, we can cushion the blow and work towards a more resilient future.

This challenge is also an opportunity to innovate and invest in a more sustainable and economically stable Panay.

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