It’s the mix of arts and politics once more. This time in Ormoc City.
Leyte Fourth District Congressman Richard Gomez and Ormoc City Mayor Lucy Torres-Gomez aren’t known as allies of the Liberal Party and its opposition camp, but when it comes to music and entertainment the so-called Power Couple isn’t strict in aligning with the Liberal Party-affiliated artists.
Richard and Lucy welcome APO Hiking Society in Ormoc City_
Take for instance the selection of APO Hiking Society—which is known for delineating songs that reflect the concerns of daily life like “Lumang Tugtugin,” “Bawat Bata,” “Batang Bata Ka Pa,” “Blue Jeans,” “Kabilugan ng Buwan,” “Yakap sa Dilim,” “Ewan,” among others—to stage a concert in Ormoc City recently.
It was as natural as the sun rises in the east that Richard and Lucy, especially the latter, chose APO to liven up the celebration of National Arts Month in the region.
Although Danny Javier is already gone, his two colleagues and friends left behind, Buboy Garovillo and Jim Paredes, known to be politically awakened citizens of the country, were welcomed with open arms by the Gomezes.
The two last vanguards of the APO were a hit in the celebration of the Grand Art Festival Night and the launching of the Ormoc Eastern Visayas Regional Athletic Association (EVRAA).
They were loved, not only by Chard and Lucy, but by all Waraynons and Ormocanons.
Jim is a very outspoken critic of former president Rodrigo R. Duterte whom the Gomezes were politically aligned with.
In the show, Goma and Lucy were at peace with the music of Buboy and Jim who are friends of Congressman Gomez from way, way back.
It was a mutual friendship among the Gomezes, the Garovillos and the Paredeses.
Music transcends politics but still politics that is geared for the betterment of the citizenry and humanity, in general.
#WeTakeAStand #OpinYon #LucyTorresGomez #RichardGomez#APOHikingSociety #NationalArtsMonthCelebrationInOrmoc