Rice at P20/Kilo, A Realistic Goal?

Rice at P20/Kilo, A Realistic Goal?

Jul 9, 2024, 1:47 AM
OpinYon Editorial

OpinYon Editorial


The Philippine government's ambitious goal of reducing the retail price of rice to P20 per kilo is no longer a pipe dream. It is realistic goal as it is a feasible solution to the country's long-standing food security concerns. Biliran achieved it. Can the rest so too?

For decades, the Philippines struggled to stabilize its rice supply and distribution that resulted in fluctuating prices, significantly impacting on the country's poorest.

The current retail price of rice, which averages around P40-50 per kilo, is a considerable burden on low-income households.

A gamechanger is the turn-around price to P20 per kilo, providing relief to millions of Filipinos who struggle to make ends meet.

The solution lies in increasing rice production and improving supply chain efficiency.

The government has been working on these through various initiatives such as the Rice Tariffication Law which aims to increase domestic production by reducing imports and promoting local farming.

The Department of Agriculture implemented programs to enhance rice productivity, improve irrigation system and to construct farm-to-market roads.

Another key factor is improving supply chain.

The government could work with private sector players to streamline logistics and reduce costs associated with transportation, storage, and marketing.

Public-private partnerships and investments in modernization initiatives are the answers.

The government could also explore alternative solutions such as diversifying the country's food basket by promoting other staple grains like corn and root crops. This would reduce dependence on rice and provide more affordable options for consumers.

While some may argue that reducing rice prices to P20 per kilo is unrealistic, it is essential to recognize that it is not only possible but also a necessity.

The benefits would be far-reaching, from improving food security to stimulating economic growth and reducing poverty.

With concerted efforts from the government and the private sector, the goal is within reach.

It is time for the Philippines to take bold steps towards ensuring that its citizens have access to affordable and nutritious food.

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