Quezon coconut farmers to benefit from gov’t support

Quezon coconut farmers to benefit from gov’t support

Apr 18, 2023, 8:41 AM
Paolo Mendez

Paolo Mendez


The Department of Agriculture-Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (DA- PhilMech) spearheaded the groundbreaking of the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan-Shared Processing Facilities (CFIDO-SPF) in Tagkawayan, Quezon on April 12.

Through this theSama Sama sa Kaunlaran Multi-Purpose Cooperative, CFIDP- SPF White Copra Processing Center would be able to produce 'high-quality thus improving its selling price.

The farmgate price of copra in all cities and municipalities of Quezon ranges between P 23.90- P 26.11 while the millgate price is between P 32.68- P 33.

Stated in the Section 4 of RA11524 or the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act, the development plan shall be under the preparation of Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA). PCA shallwork in consultation with different government agencies, coconut farmers and organization, academe and other coconut industry stakeholders.

In the realization of the development Pplan, the Article II Section 4 of RA 11524 states the national programs to attain the goal of CFIDP:

a.Community- based enterprises, including integrated processing of products and downstream products intended to increase incomes of coconut farmers;

b.Social Protection that directly benefit coconut farmers, farm workers, and their families, taking into consideration existing social protection programs of the government;

c.Coconut farmers’ organization and development

d.Innovation research projects and their practical application on coconut processing, production and distribution towards developing the local coconut industry; and

e.Integrated processing of coconut and downstream products.

DA- PhilMech OIC- Assistant Director Dr. Ofero A. Capariño said the agency is eyeing the economic rehabilitation of coconut farmers and the coconut farming in the province to uplift the socio-economic status of our farmers.

Farmers, cooperatives and associations shallbenefit from the capitalization the government bank would allocate for the program: P333.3 million.

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