Ports and bus carousel are first in line for PPP
Government Infrastracture

Ports and bus carousel are first in line for PPP

Oct 21, 2022, 6:50 AM
Dhana Garcia

Dhana Garcia


Bus carousels and seaports will be among the first to be offered for the PPPs to bring more resources and technical expertise.

The Department of Transportation (DoTr) and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) announced that bus carousel and seaports will be among the first to be offered for public-private partnerships (PPPs).

DoTr Secretary Jaime J. Bautista said that they are planning to invite private sector participation as much as possible for infrastructure projects like the EDSA Carousel, seaport operation, privatization of 10 provincial airports, and the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit project.

The PPP program has been demonstrated to be a successful method in bringing resources and technical expertise from the private sector to government projects, Business World reported.

"By harnessing the expertise and capabilities of private companies, we can confidently bring to completion these ambitious undertakings,” Bautista said in his address to a convention organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Meanwhile, DPWH Undersecretary Maria Catalina E. Cabral added that PPP continues to be one of this administration's core strategies for utilizing the resources of the private sector, not just financially but also in terms of technology and creativity.

However, Cabral pointed out the need for a new Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Law even after the revisions made to the current law's implementing rules and regulations (IRR).

"We are now actively pursuing the enactment of the new law that will (have under its umbrella) all other modes of private participation,” Cabral said as joint venture arrangements are not adequately covered by the BOT Law.

In addition, the government will work to pass a new law without interfering with project and investment plans.

Tags: #PPPs, #DoTr, #DPWH, #BOT

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