PhilHealth raises dengue benefits

PhilHealth raises dengue benefits

Jun 18, 2024, 6:01 AM
Darlene Pomperada

Darlene Pomperada


Amid concerns raised by the Department of Health (DOH) about a potential surge in dengue cases, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) has announced an increase in benefits for patients hospitalized due to the viral infection.

PhilHealth stated that the benefit package for dengue cases has been raised to P13,000 from its previous amount of P10,000, which was part of its medical conditions package.

"This 30-percent increase brings the coverage to P13,000," said Rey Baleña, Vice President for Corporate Affairs.

He emphasized that the package covers inpatient care specifically for dengue cases.

Additionally, PhilHealth reiterated its "No Balance Billing" policy, ensuring that patients admitted or confined due to dengue in accredited public or private hospitals will not have to make additional payments beyond what is covered by PhilHealth.

Uptick in cases

The DOH had recently warned of a potential uptick in dengue cases, noting a halt in the previous declining trend.

"We are seeing signs that the decline in cases has plateaued, indicating a possible increase in cases nationwide if breeding sites for dengue mosquitoes are not eliminated," the DOH stated.

According to the latest DOH data as of June 1, there were 5,368 reported cases of dengue, which is nearly the same as figures from two weeks prior.

From January to June 1, a total of 70,498 dengue cases were recorded, resulting in 197 deaths.

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