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The worse is yet to come!

Jun 20, 2024, 6:37 AM
Joyce Kahano-Alpino

Joyce Kahano-Alpino


It’s very rare for nature to fight back. It kills.

Homonhon Island had been the base of mining-vs-environment controversies. This time, locals believe the natural ecosystem of the island have had enough of the atrocities.

Last June 10, lighting struck eight miners who were taking shelter as strong rains poured in Barangay Cagusu-an, Homonhon Island.

According to sources, the miners were taking a break inside a shed within Block 38 of Verrum Mining Company’s quarrying site when, all of a sudden, lighting hit the cottage.

All victims suffered burns all over their bodies. One, identified only as " Tommy" was immediately rendered unconscious. Companions said Tommy is 28 years old.

All of them were transported in an almost two-hour boat ride to Guiuan and another travel time to Ponferrada Hospital.

Tommy declared dead on arrival.

An Omen

Locals blamed Verrum Mining as responsible for mine tailings flooding the creek of the Magellan Landing Site. These were believed to have come from their siltation ponds carried off by the waters during monsoon seasons.

Many netizens insinuated this is an omen or warning to put an end to mining in the island. It portends of worse to come.

“Usa la an karuyag ipa abot hiton kalikasan, igin papaundang na eton an pag mina ha homonhon,” ElmerAbenojar y ArravindGlass said.

“Asya gnsusukot na hit aton klikasan it n trabaho nga nakakaruba hit aton kalikasan. Kairo it mga trabahante kay hira it kinakarma tas an mga tag iya nag ririniko la,” Roselle Llenares posted.

Photo courtesy of Rico Ryan Sabarillo

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