More movements allowed! IATF releases guidelines for Quezon under Alert Level 2

More movements allowed! IATF releases guidelines for Quezon under Alert Level 2

Oct 20, 2021, 4:40 AM
Jeanelle Abaricia

Jeanelle Abaricia


Activities allowed under Alert Level 2 include indoor venues for dine-ins, tourist attractions, entertainment, and sports events, hills, weddings, personal care services, and more.

LUCENA CITY, Quezon - THE Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) has released the guidelines on the implementation of Alert Level 2 in the province of Quezon and its capital city of Lucena.

This, after the national government placed the entire province under Alert Level 2 from October 20 to 31.

The new IATF guidelines allow the movement of individuals, unless local governments implement prohibitions on those with comorbidities and age-based measures.

However, people still need to be allowed to have access to essential goods and services or get into work.

Intrazonal and interzonal travel of people is also possible, but it is obligatory to follow the rules of the LGUs where they intend to visit.

Individual outdoor exercises will also be allowed for all ages, with or without comorbidity and with or without vaccination.

Except for lockdown areas, indoor establishments or activities will be allowed up to 50 percent maximum capacity and 70 percent for outdoor.

Establishments that have been awarded safety seal certification can add up to 10 percent.

Other types of entertainment activities such as karaoke bars, concert halls, cinemas, museums, and even leisure activities such as sports courts, gyms, hair salons, nail spas, and other cosmetic services are also allowed. (Jeanelle Abaricia)

Tags: #IATFguidelines, #Covid-19, #pandemic, #AlertLevel2, #QuezonProvince

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