Mental and physical state of sports

Mental and physical state of sports

May 21, 2023, 1:11 AM
Zashi Garcia

Zashi Garcia


In the realm of sports, the mental aspect is often overlooked in favor of physical prowess. As athletes across the globe have manifested, the mind plays an equally crucial role in securing victories and overcoming obstacles. In the Philippines, a nation passionate about sports, it's high time we pay closer attention to the mental game.

Physical strength and conditioning have always been the focus of sports training in the country. From grassroots programs to national team training, physical fitness is a priority. And rightly so, as the demands of different sports require athletes to be in peak physical condition. The mental aspect often takes a backseat.

Sports psychology is an area that is gradually gaining recognition in the Philippines. It centers on mental skills training, such as goal-setting, self-talk, and imagery, which are all aimed at improving athletic performance. Incorporating sports psychology in athletic training programs can make a difference in producing more consistent and mentally-resilient athletes.

Stress, pressure and high expectations are common in sports, and without proper mental conditioning, these factors can lead to performance anxiety, burnout, and even mental health issues among athletes. By promoting a holistic approach to sports training — encompassing not just the physical, but also the mental aspect — we can create a healthier and more supportive environment for athletes.

Moreover, sport psychology is not just beneficial for elite athletes. It can also be beneficial for younger athletes who are still learning the ropes of their chosen sports. Introducing mental skills training early on can help young athletes develop resilience, focus, and confidence.

The path to elevating the mental and physical game of sports in the Philippines may be challenging, but it is a journey worth embarking on. By taking a holistic approach to sports training, we can cultivate a new generation of Filipino athletes who are not just physically strong, but mentally resilient as well.

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