The Office of Court Administrator (OCA) ordered all first and second-level court judges and clerks nationwide to conduct an inventory of civil and criminal cases, especially those involving persons deprived of liberty (PDL) and set them for hearing or promulgation on November 17.
OCA also advises judges presiding over more than one court or sharing prosecutors and public attorneys with other courts to coordinate and send proper notices on time to the parties and counsels, prosecutors, and the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO).
Court Administrator Raul Villanueva also instructed all executive judges to “ensure that all courts within their supervision comply with the directive and to coordinate with the concerned detention facilities to accommodate the videoconferencing schedules implemented by each court.”
In line with OCA’s 48th Founding Anniversary, its theme “OCA@48: Partners in the Quest for Judicial Innovation and Reform”.
The National Judgment Week Program lines up various activities for November 17 and 18. This is to further decongest court dockets and jail facilities.
“As the budget for such a project is internally generated, there being no subsidy for the same, the funds needed to defray the expected expenses will have to come from voluntary contributions,” said Villanueva in his Office Order 11-2023.
Last year, the Supreme Court commended 20 trial court judges for their outstanding performance in disposing of the most number of civil and criminal cases during the National Judgment Day on November 16, 2022 coincided with the 47th OCA anniversary.
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