Iloilo City's New Year Brownout Raises Concerns
OpinYon Panay

Iloilo City's New Year Brownout Raises Concerns

Jan 8, 2024, 7:40 AM
Cheryl Luis True

Cheryl Luis True


As the world ushered in the New Year with hope and celebrations, Iloilo City and its neighboring towns faced an unexpected and inconvenient beginning—widespread brownouts that left residents in the dark. The cause? A grid disturbance led to the shutdown of power plants in Panay, as announced by the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP).

The announcement from NGCP, posted on January 2, 2024, painted a grim picture of the power situation in the region. As of 2:27 PM, all power plants in Panay had shut down, and by 3:07 PM, the Negros-Panay grid was completely out. The unscheduled power interruption was not limited to Iloilo City but extended to the entire Panay-Negros area.

In response to this unforeseen circumstance, MORE Power Iloilo issued an advisory, providing updates and insights into the ongoing situation. The message highlighted the experiences of Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs) of ILECO II, acknowledging that the entire Panay had been grappling with a shortage in the power supply since 3:00 PM.

The impact of this unexpected power outage was palpable, affecting daily life, businesses, and celebrations. Iloilo City and its neighboring towns found themselves plunged into darkness at a time when people were looking forward to a bright start to the New Year.

The technical teams of power distribution companies, including MORE Power Iloilo, were quick to act, engaging with NGCP to determine the timeline for power restoration. The coordination efforts between local power providers and the NGCP reflect a commitment to transparency and a shared goal of resolving the issue promptly.

For the affected consumers, the situation was not merely a power outage; it was an inconvenience that disrupted plans and routines. The message from MORE Power Iloilo addressed their concerns, acknowledging the fluctuation and unscheduled power interruptions experienced by consumers as a consequence of the grid disturbance.

The plea for understanding and patience from MORE Power Iloilo demonstrates a proactive approach to managing customer expectations during unforeseen circumstances. The engagement with NGCP to ascertain when electricity would be restored reflects a commitment to keeping consumers informed and involved in the process.

As the people of Iloilo City and its neighboring areas weathered this unexpected power challenge, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of a resilient and responsive power infrastructure. It also underscores the need for proactive communication and cooperation between power providers and consumers during times of crisis. While the New Year may have begun on a dim note for the residents of Iloilo City, the collective efforts to address the power outage provide a glimmer of hope for a more electrifying future.

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