Iloilo City is 4th richest city outside Metro Manila
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Iloilo City is 4th richest city outside Metro Manila

Mar 26, 2024, 6:12 AM
Cheryl Luis True

Cheryl Luis True


In the Philippine economy Metro Manila often takes the spotlight, the recent revelation by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shines a bright beam on economic prowess brewing beyond the capital's borders. Among these radiant beacons of prosperity, Iloilo City emerges as a standout, ranked fourth among the richest cities outside Metro Manila for 2022. This accolade, based on an average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person of P306,444, not only underscores the city's economic resilience but also its potential for sustained growth and development.

The significance of Iloilo City's ascent to this economic zenith cannot be overstated. With an average GDP surpassing the national average, it stands as a testament to the astute governance, vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, and industrious populace that have propelled its economic engine. The per capita GDP, a quintessential metric measuring the economic well-being of a populace, paints a vivid portrait of prosperity within Iloilo City's boundaries.

However, amidst the jubilation of this achievement, it is crucial to delve deeper into the factors catalyzing Iloilo City's economic ascendancy. One cannot overlook the strategic investments in infrastructure, the nurturing of a conducive business environment, and the emphasis on human capital development that have been instrumental in fostering this economic renaissance. Moreover, the city's strategic location as a regional hub and its burgeoning sectors, including tourism, agriculture, and information technology, have further fueled its economic momentum.

As we celebrate Iloilo City's success, it is imperative to recognize that it is not an isolated triumph but rather a reflection of the broader landscape of economic dynamism burgeoning across the archipelago. Baguio City, crowned as the wealthiest city outside Metro Manila, and other top contenders such as Cagayan de Oro, Lapu Lapu City, and Cebu City, collectively underscore the decentralized nature of economic growth in the Philippines.

The PSA's inaugural Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) illuminate the economic vibrancy pulsating within the 82 provinces and 17 highly urbanized cities surveyed. This groundbreaking endeavor not only provides a comprehensive snapshot of regional economic disparities but also underscores the imperative of tailored policy interventions to nurture inclusive growth across the archipelago.

Nevertheless, amidst the glimmers of prosperity, challenges loom on the horizon. As Iloilo City and its counterparts continue their march towards economic eminence, it is imperative to ensure that growth is equitable, sustainable, and inclusive. Addressing infrastructural bottlenecks, enhancing access to quality education and healthcare, and fortifying social safety nets are imperatives that demand concerted action from both the public and private sectors.

Iloilo City's meteoric rise as one of the richest cities outside Metro Manila is a cause for celebration and reflection. It epitomizes the resilience, ingenuity, and determination of its people and serves as an inspiration for other regions striving for economic ascendancy. As we navigate the post-pandemic era, let us harness the lessons gleaned from Iloilo City's success story to steer the ship of Philippine prosperity towards even greater horizons of growth and development.

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