Harvesting Art

Harvesting Art

Feb 6, 2023, 6:53 AM
OpinYon Editorial

OpinYon Editorial


Why is art significant as to be celebrated in the archipelago of 7,640 islands?

The whole month of February is annually celebrated as National Arts Month (NAM) by virtue of Presidential Proclamation 683. And even if the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is the lead agency for the month-long celebration, all Filipinos can organize to celebrate the arts in their own locality. In the different municipalities of Quezon Province, various activities are lined up for this month.

NAM is also called harvest of the arts or Ani ng Sining. It is the time when the different forms of art are harvested to be showcased or exhibited. It creates awareness about the different areas of the arts like architecture, dance, cinema, theater, music, visual arts, and literature; in the different parts of the country.

The arts are part of everyday lives. It is on the dining table when we speak about culinary arts. It is on the clothes we wear, with our fabrics and fashion. It is in our sun shields like sombrero and salakot. It is in our baskets when we go to market or to the sea in order to fish. We have different farming and fishing implements that are both made with art and functional. Art is in our home as it is in every person. The language that we use is an art form.

Therefore, there should be no questioning why art is highlighted with a national declaration. We see our identities with the art we project as a people. Tayabasins or Quezonins have distinct art that can set them apart from the other parts of the country. That is their identity. The same goes with what other places can offer. We tend to appreciate our culture more when we understand why and how things came to be. By learning about the roots of the art in our localities, it gives us a feeling of pride and real identity.

That knowledge about and pride of one’s hometown or province provides an opportunity to love and be concerned of the place. That’s what happens as well in a bigger scope, like being Filipino, embracing all the diversities in different parts of the country.

Artists need support. Either famous or struggling, either local or international, all artists need support. Let us not deprive them that. To better understand and appreciate what NAM is, observe and join the celebrations!

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