A team of Filipino web developers have developed a contact tracing platform that will revolutionize how governments and companies do their contact tracing initiatives.
Dubbed as Hyperpass, the platform is free-to-use by any establishment, office, school, institution, or organization.
WITH over nine thousand daily infections reported, shadowed by a slow vaccine roll out by the national government and the need to revitalize the weakening economy of the country, local developers stepped up to do their part in tackling the ongoing health crisis.
Driven by their passion to help both the private and public sector in limiting the spread of the coronavirus disease, a group of developers and entrepreneurs at Hyperlokal Incorporated developed a contact tracing platform that will revolutionize how governments and companies do their contact tracing initiatives of COVID-19 positive and potentially exposed individuals.
Dubbed as Hyperpass, the platform is free-to-use by any establishment, office, school, institution, or organization.
It can likewise be used by residential homes and even public or private vehicles so they can keep track of and be notified if around them have recently tested positive for the virus or were exposed.
Among the features of the platform include, big data and trend analytics vaccine and passport tagging, individual COVID-19 test history, printable and scan ready QR Code Pass for persons without a smartphone, and a dashboard for both private and public Health Care Units to report vaccination drives and testing results.
Moreover, Hyperpass is built on a serverless technology that automatically scale when used. It is similarly database integration-ready and is AI-ready for analytics, human traffic management, and other applications.
For establishments or locations, the organization only needs to register at the Hyperpass website as a “Place” and they will automatically be provided with a unique QR poster that can be immediately printed, displayed, and scanned by visitors, employees, or guests just like a typical health declaration form.
In addition, Places will be notified via the application or through an SMS that a recent visitor was tagged or has tagged himself as positive of COVID-19, which in turn will give the firm the time to exercise proper quarantine and disinfection measures of their areas.
As for “Individuals”, they only need to scan the QR Code or go to the short link on the “Place’s’ poster and answer the Health Declaration Form in the interface, then click “Submit”.
Furthermore, Places will have a log of people who have entered their premises, and at the same time, individuals will similarly have a record of Places they have visited.
As a note, users can access Hyperpass from any internet browser, thereby eliminating the need to download any apps that might eat up unavailable space. It is both desktop and mobile-friendly and in accordance with the existing Privacy & Data Protection of the country.
Integrating with Public and Private Healthcare Databases
What the developers find very important in the national (and international) effort to monitor and trace the spread of the virus among individuals is how data and information is managed between private and public Health Care Units (HCU) that deal with Test Result and Vaccination data.
For the people behind this platform, technology-powered contact tracing will only make sense if there is a free flow and centralization of information between public and private testing centers, and vaccination hubs.
International potential
The platform can also work anywhere in the globe and can register the Hyperpass Places and each Individual check-in normally within the Intelligent Tracing & Notifications system. Its address tagging and SMS notification is also backed by global APIs.
“If an Australian, for example, were to be exposed to a positive individual in a coffee shop in Sydney, then travel to a Manila coffee shop the following day, then on the fourth day a positive individual from the Sydney coffee shop tags himself as positive on the Hyperpass app, the other visitors of the Manila coffee shop where the Australian visited will be alerted.
Of course, this is assuming both the Philippines and Australia share the same Hyperpass app adoption policies.” Said the company.
Moreover, Hyperpass has the potential to be sold as a Software as a service (SaaS) to countries in South East Asia and South America thereby promoting the export of Filipino tech globally.
Local support
“My team and I believe that Hyperpass can effectively reduce COVID transmission if it used universally, centrally, and constantly in the Philippines with its centralized data analytics and smart automated contact tracing algorithm,” said Guilian Sencio, Hyperlokal’s chief executive.
However, the success of Hyperpass will rely on its universal adoption—and its centralization— of all stakeholders across the nation.
And the team is also open to suggestions from local epidemiologists and officials on how they can improve the system to better serve the public.
“We need help from the public to get the attention of the decision makers in the government for them to consider a local solution that is revolutionary and unique—even internationally. We are giving it for the government and Filipino people to use for free.” Sencio concluded.
Tags: #COVID19, #contacttracing, #Hyperpass