Duterte signs law raising age of sexual consent to 16 photo Philippine Canadian inquirer

Duterte signs law raising age of sexual consent to 16

Mar 8, 2022, 6:40 AM
Rose De La Cruz

Rose De La Cruz


The signing by President Duterte of Republic Act 11648, or the new anti-rape law is seen as a “major step forward to justice and equality,” according to Agusan del Sur Representative Lawrence Fortun, one of its authors at the House of Representatives.

What better way to honor women/ladies on International Women’s Day than for President Duterte signing Republic Act 11648, raising the age of sexual consent from 12 to 16.

“Not only does this law increase the age for determining statutory rape to below 16 years of age, it also makes statutory rape gender neutral. It thus protects not only female minors but also members of the LGBTQIA+ community,” explained Agusan del Norte Rep. Lawrence Fortun, one of the bill’s authors in the House.

He describes the new anti-rape law as a “major step forward to justice and equality.”

He said several provisions in the House version, though, that did not see the light of day after the bicameral conference as they were not included in the Senate version.

Among these are the expansion of the definition of rape to consider certain other acts of sexual perversion as rape, the presumption of lack of consent on the part of a rape victim, the removal of the archaic forgiveness clause which frees from criminal responsibility a culprit who marries his victim, the prohibition of affidavits of desistance amicable and amicable settlement in rape cases and the confidentiality of rape proceedings.

Nevertheless, RA 11648 is already an important victory for Filipino women and children. We pray that the next Congress will push for the reforms not included in this new law, he said.

Malacañang on Monday, March 7, released the signed Republic Act (RA) No. 116481, an act “providing for stronger protection against rape and sexual exploitation and abuse, increasing the age for determining the commission of statutory rape.”

The law exempts individuals having carnal knowledge with minors under 16 years from criminal liability if “the age difference between the parties is not more than three years.” Under this provision, the sexual activity must be consensual, non-abusive and non-exploitative, Rappler said.

The law, however, states that the exemption does not apply if the victim is under 13 years old.

Before the enactment of the law, the minimum age of sexual consent in the Philippines was 12 years old, the lowest in Southeast Asia and one of the lowest in the world.

The new law also amended RA No. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act.

“Children, whether male or female, who for money, profit, or any other consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution or other sexual abuse,” the law said.

Data showed that yearly 400 to 500 fall victims of rape.

The law was a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 2332 and House Bill No. 7836. Both were passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on December 15 and December 14, respectively.

Tags: #Duterte, #newanti-rapelaw, #justiceandequality, #internationalwomen’sday

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