Comprehensive driving lesson a must

Comprehensive driving lesson a must

May 9, 2023, 7:32 AM
Paolo Mendez

Paolo Mendez


Would-be drivers must be fully trained when he gets the opportunity to apply what he had learned at driving schools. Road safety guidelines should also include anger management training to assure he is really safe when he is driving.

Road rage appears to be the obvious result if the driver has a weak emotional quotient when exposed to heated arguments on the road.Notwithstanding the extreme heat which can easily prick his temper.

Resorting to violence was the usual outcome if anger had been given a free reign. Recently reported cases of road violence resulted in the death of a police officer and a tricycle driver.

And so United Nations special envoy for road safety Jean Todt reminded Filipinos motorists of the importance of safe driving by always using seatbelts and wearing helmets to save lives.

"Southeast Asia faces a tragedy on the road. However, solutions exist, combining policy enforcement and education. Simple gestures can also save lives, such as wearing a seatbelt or a helmet, not driving under influence, not texting while driving, or reducing speed," the envoy said.

Road safety is one of the United Nation’s sustainable development goals which seek to 'halve the number of global deaths and injuries' over road rages and improving access to transportation system and expanding public transport for all.

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