Catholics were enjoined to pray the rosary and ask for God’s intercession for the coming May 9 elections so that the citizens may pick the candidate who can bring honor and glory to God and help the citizens grow in holiness.
The bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila enjoined Catholics to unite spiritually to pray the rosary for next month’s elections, Interaksyon reported.
In a pastoral statement, they invited the faithful to recite the Marian prayer as families and communities from April 30, feast of St. Pope Pius V, to May 9, Election Day.
With God, the bishops said there is nothing to fear despite the
“enemy’s daunting use of fake news, trolls, and distorted history.”
“Let us again turn to our Blessed Mother and ask her intercession to help us vote what God desires for us,” says part of the letter signed by Cardinal Jose Advincula, archbishop of Manila.
The bishops then encouraged the electorate to vote for the candidates who will promote the common good, especially the poor and marginalized.
They also called for prayers for the Commission on Elections (Comelec) that they may accomplish their mission to conduct an efficient, fair and honest election.
Last November 28, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines released pastoral prayer before the elections to be recited after every mass—before the final blessing.
The prayer is 24 lines long and calls for a fair and just election and wished that “genuine fear of God and love of neighbors” would guide officials who would be elected.
The prayer is seen to be recited by millions of Filipinos even at a time when attendance to masses has been reduced under the pandemic.
Written in both English and Filipino, the prayer asks for deliverance from coercion, intimidation, violence, terrorism; from dishonesty, lies and all distortions of truth; from bribery, graft and all conspiracy for fraud; from gullibility to the deceptive and blindness of perspective; from threats, intimidation and perverse language.
The prayer also asks the Lord to heed the call that: conscience may always be the ultimate norm; the common good may always be the highest goal; human dignity may be respected all the time; the poor and the weak may always the priority; care for creation may never be ignored; solidarity may guide the path of peace and development; genuine fear of God and love of neighbors may guide those who seek public office.
It concludes with everyone reciting:
“Shepherd of souls and Savior of the nations, politics is your gift to us, a call to serve others and grow in holiness. Guide our politics as you guide our lives. May our political engagement for voters and candidates bring glory to your loving name and help us grow in holiness forever and ever. Amen.”
Tags: #ManilaCathedral, #CBCP, #prayersforMay9polls, #election2022