Biliran, A Mountaineering Haven

Biliran, A Mountaineering Haven

Jun 26, 2024, 5:50 AM
OpinYon News Team

OpinYon News Team

News Reporter

Before the launch of Climb Biliran, the province had hosted several adventure activities that were staged in its mountain ranges – the Karera Habagat in 2004, the Catamaran Challenge in 2008, and the joint La Routa and Asian Racing World Series in 2023.

“Biliran is feasible to become an adventure capital, which is an opportunity that might give us a good break,” said Jun Oliva of the Samar Mountaineering and Outdoor Club (SAMOC).

Tourism Regional Director Karina Rosa Tiopes said identifying certain activities in a province in the region makes promotion and marketing easier.

“It’s easy to promote a place if you have an image of that place,” Tiopes told the Philippine News Agency.

The Department of Tourism (DOT) invited mountaineers from other provinces and cities to climb the summits of Biliran so they could help promote the activity to their respective mountaineering communities.

Tiopes added that this promotion would result in income for the community once more mountaineers and hikers visit the province and try climbing the mountains of Biliran and immerse themselves in its still-untouched nature.

She also thanked the climbers who joined the invitational climb for sharing their observations, which will help them improve the services provided to future guests.

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