A Step Backward for Cultural Heritage

A Step Backward for Cultural Heritage

Jul 2, 2024, 2:28 AM
OpinYon Editorial

OpinYon Editorial


The city government's refusal to allow the traditional parade and other activities of Pintados Kasadyaan, a centuries-old celebration in Tacloban City, is a disappointing and regrettable move.

This cultural heritage event has been an integral part of the province's identity and a source of pride for its residents for its grandeur and color and among the oldest of fests in the country.

By refusing to cooperate, the city government has not only been a hindrance to the preservation and promotion of the vibrant cultural expression of its people but also undermined the province's rich history.

One cannot help but wonder if there are ulterior motives behind this sudden cancellation. 

Is it a coincidence that this decision was made during an election season? The timing raises suspicions that political considerations may be at play. 

Has the city government succumbed to pressure from powerful interests or is it trying to appease certain groups?

Pintados Kasadyaan is more than just a celebration. It is a reflection of the Leyte's resilience and heritage. 

It is a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of our ancestors who have overcome countless challenges. 

By silencing this event, the city government has deprived its residents of their right to express their cultural identity and connect with their heritage.

Moreover, this sends a negative message to tourists and investors, who come to the city seeking unique cultural experiences. 

This decision had only lead to disappointment and disillusionment among Taclobanons, the Warays and visitors, ultimately affecting the city's economy.

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