No longer an economic indicator

No longer an economic indicator

Jan 24, 2024, 5:25 AM
OpinYon Editorial

OpinYon Editorial


TRAFFIC congestion in Metro Manila is no big news, but being the most congested place in the world is something for the government to ponder as the 2023 Tomtom Traffic Index report portends trouble in the economy.

For one, traffic congestion is no longer a positive economic indicator as it was decades ago.

According to the 2023 Tomtom Traffic Index, Metro Manila had the worst traffic congestion among 387 metro areas around the globe, ‘beating’ Colombia’s Bogota which has shown some improvements after dropping to fifth place.

On average, motorists plying Metro Manila roads last year took 25 minutes and 30 seconds for a 10-kilometer trip – which according to the Tomtom Traffic Index report was 50 seconds longer than it took to cover the same distance in 2022.

A simple computation will probably paint a clearer picture of what the report is all about.

On the assumption that we are on Metro Manila roads for 240 hours throughout the year, this means 117 hours of which is what we have wasted while being stuck in rush-hour gridlock.

We are actually talking about an average speed of 19 kilometers per hour, which is almost the same distance that we can cover by walking for an hour.

To some, the Tomtom Traffic Index report is a sign for the government to seriously consider the idea of promoting bikes in lieu of the conventional cars, buses and other land public transport system. This policy sits well for a region with a high pollution index.

How do we solve the congestion problem? For one, managing traffic shouldn’t just be about managing cars or making the situation better for cars. Some have focused activities on stimulating new modes of transport to develop a more balanced transport network that reduces congestion.

However, reducing congestion isn’t about building more roads or rebuilding road networks for cars—it’s about the heart of the city and giving space back to other modes of transport, giving space back to people, and not turning city centers into parking lots.

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