Doctors don’t want you to drink water before bedtime
Health & Wellness

Doctors don’t want you to drink water before bedtime; it disrupts sleep

Apr 24, 2021, 5:35 AM
Rose De La Cruz

Rose De La Cruz


Drinking water before bedtime could actually disrupt your weight loss goals since it will make you lose sleep as the body’s urinary function will kick in in the middle of the night, according to some nutritionists.

Just like water, sleep is known to be a key factor in weight loss goals

HERE’S a very good reason why you shouldn’t drink water before bedtime: it could disrupt your sleep, according to a report.

Drinking water before bedtime will make you wake up several times in the wee hours to urinate, according to some nutritionists, making you lose sleep.

It was completely intentional that drinking water wasn't placed in the list of things to do before bed to lose weight, according to Erin Palinski-Wade, nutrition expert and spokesperson.

"If you drink too much before bed, you may find yourself waking up multiple times in the middle of the night to urinate," he said.

Just like water, sleep is known to be a key factor in weight loss goals.

The recommended 6-8 hours really make a difference in your life. As a matter of fact, a report in Environmental Health Perspectives states that shorter sleep is linked to obesity, hypertension, and other metabolic disorders.

Palinski-Wade offers a simple solution—cut back on our favorite zero-calorie beverage roughly three hours before you plan on hitting the sheets.

Within this time frame, your body will be able to process and you'll use the restroom before it interrupts your beauty sleep.

But just because you shouldn't sip on water before bed doesn't mean you should abandon your water drinking goals, he added.

Dietitian Jim White, RD, ACSM recommends the standard 64 ounces of water a day, or eight 8-ounce glasses.

By drinking the recommended intake, your weight loss goal becomes more attainable.

Sufficient water intake has the ability to boost your metabolism, help you feel fuller longer, and even keep your energy levels at an all-time high. (RdlC)

Tags: #health, #sleep, #hydration

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