Laguna provincial government launches ‘one-stop’ hotline number photo from Gov. Ramil L. hernandez
Public Service

Laguna provincial government launches ‘one-stop’ hotline number

Jul 28, 2021, 5:33 AM
OpinYon News Team

OpinYon News Team

News Reporter

With the “Dial #Laguna” hotline, Lagunenses now only need to know one number to reach provincial government agencies.

The provincial government of Laguna announced the launch of a “centralized” hotline that that will ensure easy access to the services for Lagunenses, whether emergency response, official business, public service and even for reports and inquiries.

Governor Ramil Hernandez has partnered with Gur Lavi Corp. (GLC), one of the fastest growing telecommunications distributors in the Philippines in partnership with PLDT, for its “Dial #Laguna” program.

With the “Dial #Laguna” (#524862) hotline, Lagunenses now only need to know one number to reach provincial government agencies.

“Our main goal is to provide an easier channel for people to contact our offices faster so we can immediately respond to their needs,” Hernandez said.
“As with everything we do in the province, we always have our constituents in mind first with our Serbisyong Tama principle. If we are easier to be reached, we can provide services quicker and more efficient.”

Hernandez added that centralizing number with their own local numbers will streamline the work process and ensure that any specific concern or query from the people will land to the correct office.

“We are always looking for better ways to serve our people. Just recently, we launched the Province of Laguna Employment and Information System by PESO (PLEIS), an online job portal which is the first in the region. Rest assured that we will continue to innovate and create projects,” the governor said.

For his part, GLC President and CEO Erwin Co said the company’s collaboration for the Laguna hotline number is their first implementation in the public sector in terms of hosted Private Branch eXchange (PBX) system.

“With this project, we will help the province gather more partners and opportunities not just in the public sector but also from private organizations from SMEs to Large enterprises with remote branch offices,” he added.

Co also highlighted that GLC has engagement with different government offices already with the same set up that was done for Laguna, from barangay as the smallest administrative division to municipality up to the provincial government.

“The array of tools at their team’s fingertips keep the communication and the exchange of ideas to flow seamlessly. The result? A network of employees that are connected, informed and armed with the tools they need to perform their jobs to the best of their ability,” Co said.

The #LAGUNA Telavi Cloud project and the centralization of voice and data system are seen as just the start of a long and innovative partnership between the Provincial Government of Laguna and GLC.

The first phase of the project was mobilized in November 2020 followed by phase 2 which is the integration to Telavi Cloud and #LAGUNA that started on May 2021 and is now ready to be launched and implemented. (ONT)

Tags: #OpinYonLaguna, #LagunaProvincialGovernment, #RamilHernandez, #centralizedhotline, #DialLaguna

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