MPTC wins big at ESGBusiness Awards

MPTC wins big at ESG Business Awards

Nov 25, 2023, 2:00 AM
Benjamin Lim

Benjamin Lim


Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation (MPTC) achieved two significant accolades at the recent ESGBusiness Awards for their dedication to transforming toll roads into environmentally friendly highways and their pioneering efforts in creating the web based MY CG App.

MPTC's vision of turning toll roads into 'green highways' sets a new standard for infrastructure projects in the Philippines.

Through pioneering efforts, the company has seamlessly integrated energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies across its major expressways, including the Cavite-Laguna Expressway (CALAX), North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), and Cebu-Cordova Laguna Expressway (CCLEX).

These initiatives have not only supported energy efficiency but have also upheld road safety standards.

The company said that existing toll plazas have been equipped with solar panels, providing power for their daytime operations, and LED fixtures illuminate the roadways, greatly enhancing energy efficiency.

Meanwhile, rainwater catchment systems are installed in rest bays along the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) and in MPT South Hub, exemplifying MPTC's commitment to reducing water consumption.

NLEX, MPT South, and CCLEX have also implemented greening and reforestation programs that will significantly capture emissions through proper management and maintenance. NLEX has been planting trees along the expressways to help curb greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2020, CCLEX was able to plant 66,561 mangrove seedlings with a survival rate of 65 percent. Similarly, MPT South, in partnership with government and non-government organizations, facilitated mangrove tree planting activities alongside the expressway in Paranaque.

My CG App

Meanwhile, MPTC's MY CG App stands as a beacon of accountability, transparency, and good corporate governance practices. This user-friendly platform empowers employees, officers, and consultants with easy access to crucial information related to corporate governance policies, practices, and core values.

The app also ensures that essential governance resources are readily available to all internal stakeholders and reinforces accountability by allowing users to report any ethical concerns or violations, further enhancing the company's commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity.

Since the launch of the MY CG App, it has garnered impressive user engagement. The majority of employees, officers, and consultants actively use the platform, especially when they need to submit an inquiry or submit a disclosure form.

The app has also played a pivotal role in promoting accountability and transparency. It has facilitated the disclosure of over 2,344 conflicts of interest-related reports, which have been appropriately managed, and helped prevent the appearance of corruption. It has also made governance-related information easily accessible.

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